Chapter 27 ~ bored

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Jeon Jungkook PoV

After jimin filling me on the whole situation I can't help but think how much of an idiot I am for thinking that Jin is a betrayer and that he was helping my dad try to kill the love of my life.

But in reality he was only protecting her and betraying him, he was risking his life over hers. That's a rule no one can break, being a traitor in the gang will get him killed.

I look at the ceiling in thought and then wonder where haewon May be, my beautiful angel. I'm glad she's alive and breathing but not being beside her makes me feel anxious, I want to protect her and hold her.

I miss her smile, her light chuckles and the sparkle in her eye whenever she locks eyes with me. She's my happiness and I don't ever want to let her go.

I miss her like crazy, I get up and decide to take a cold shower.

I will get through this and meet my angel soon.....

Week later

Kim Haewon POV

I wake up with dizziness and I feel a wave of nausea hit me. I run to the bathroom and puke in the toilet. Again.
The whole week I've been feeling sick and been having headaches.

I don't feel well at all and I just feel so drained.

I walk to the kitchen and pour the boiled water into a mug with a teabag and make myself some tea.

Picking the mug up, I look around the apartment, it's a simple but pretty apartment. Very nice interior, the lounge and kitchen is all an open plan with a little balcony near my bedroom. It's only for a while until all this crap gets sorted out and I wonder why Jungkooks dad wants to kill me so bad.

I take my steamy mug over to the couch and sit down placing it on the coffee table.

I snuggle into the blanket that is draped on the couch and flick through the channels on TV so far I've been binge watching all the dramas Momo recommended me to watch since the first time we met in high school.

Yeah I was too occupied to even watch them and Momo used to go on about them all the time but now that I can't leave the apartment , have no contact with anyone whatsoever, and have all the time in the world I thought I might as well do what Momo does on a regualar basis which is eat, slut drop, binge watch and repeat.... yeah but I'm not gonna do slutdropping though that's for sure.

I really miss Jungkook and it getting quite tiring as I'm living off ramen, kdramas and sleep. I literally miss him so much its indescribable.

I called Jin the other day and he told me to not ring him because jungkooks dad may get suspicious so he rings instead and asks for a report on how I'm doing but I mainly bombard him with questions like is jungkook is ok?, is jimin doing ok? What's momo doing ecetera...

Today he hasn't rang yet and I'm expecting a call from him soon, since I've been feeling very ill and exhausted I haven't told Jin yet because I don't want to worry anyone, they have a lot going on right now.

I fall asleep on the couch after a while of having so many thoughts...


Shake shake

What's going on?

Shake shake

"Haewon wake up" I hear a whisper near my ear and I open my eyes and blink a little.

I sit up and I hold my head in pain and bile shoots up my throat, I push Jin to the side and run to the bathroom.

I puke my guts out until I feel a little better, I don't even realise but Jin I'm beside me holding my hair so it is out of my face and is rubbing my back gently.

I get up, flush the toilet and and rinse my mouth out. I turn to lock eyes with Jin with a upset yet knowing expression, "What's wrong?" I ask playing dumb
"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" He says crossing his arms

I shrugg and walk past him and sit in the lounge, I look at the mug of tea that sits there, damn it. It's gone cold and I didn't even drink it.

Jin sits next to me and is still expecting an answer from the look of his face "well.." he says

"I couldn't tell you because I thought you would get worried" I say truthfully looking down at my clasped hands

"Ok fine I believe you but how long have you been sick?" He asks

"A couple weeks ago I felt sick but I didn't really do it but ever since I'm here I've been sick in the mornings or whenever I wake up, I'm just so exhausted nowadays" I say looking at him

Then reality hits me like a pile of bricks...

I get up and reach for my phone, I scroll through it and I'm standing there as shock is stamped all over my face...

My phone drops out of my hand and I place a hand over my head feeling a little faint.

Jin comes to my side holding me gently and then sits me down.

He crouched down to my length and looks me in the eyes "it's just a guess but I'm not really sure but it can be true but I don't know if it is true and oh my go-" I begin to ramble and Jin stops me by holding me.

He says "what is a guess?"

I look around and wonder if I should tell him or not"

"Haewon you can tell me I'm your best friend" He says with a small smile

"Well it's just a guess but I'm late for my periods by a very long time and also I've been feeling really sick for a while now and I can't help but wonder...." I trail off

"Are you pregnant?" Jin says with a huge smile, he squeals  "I'm gonna be an uncle"

"It's just a guess I don't even know if I really am... pregnant"

"Well why don't we find out, eh?" He says with a grin


Trying my best to update as quick as I can because omg I have so many freaking assignments and I think teachers love giving students pain but that very same teacher is giving us a freaking mok exam on Friday so I only have like 3 days to revise a whole bunch of content and Life is just fucking stressful....

Anyways good news I'll be uploading as soon as possible if you want to know when I'll be posting more quicker then follow me on Instagram because I'm really active on there and I do tend to tell everyone when I update this book too...

Ig: @jeonjungcockthighs

Also just wanna let y'all know I'll be changing the book cover soon 😂

Thanks y'all for reading
Hope you enjoyed x
Until next time
Peaceout ✌️

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