Chapter 3 ~ Rules

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jungkook || i cant' function

Shoutout to ZOBOO on Youtube x


Kim Hae-won

I stare blankly at the ceiling still wondering how it manages to look that pretty, why are not all ceilings that pretty?

yes, i didn't even have a wink of sleep last night, i tossed and turned and contemplated on the situation i was frightened to death that someone might just pop out out of the shadows and threaten to kill me with a knife at my throat so i didn't sleep at all and i know i must resemble the look of a zombie rather than winning a beauty award right now but i didn't care at all, i never have done.

could you blame me though? 

after last nights events?

i don't think so...

i sit up in bed making myself comfortable and hug my knees to my chest, what on earth is happening in my life right now?

why did my life seem so blissful before and now horrible, now when it was actually tiring before, its strange what my brain tells me nowadays.

I get out of bed and walk over to the chair in my room that holds my clothes that i changed out of last night, i check my hoodie pocket and take my phone out, i check the time and it reads 6:32 am.

I need to get out of here, i cant be bothered waiting around like this i need to get out of here before i lose my mind.

i shrug my clothes on from last night and then i open the handle to the door, slowly and quietly.

i close the door behind me careful not to make any sound, i continue walking towards where the stairs are but i get lost in the amount of corridoors iv'e been through.

I huff exasperated and then i turn around and push through a door, a kitchen?

i walk in and look at the room, its massive and has lots of space for many people to cook in.My stomach rumbles and i search for a source so i can feed myself, there goes my BIG escape plan.

walking towards the silver metal fridge and i poke my head in and i spot something that can quench my thirst and i grab the cold water bottle and pop open the cap and gulp it down.

Im closing the cap of the bottle when i hear a rustle and im suddenly pressed up against the fridge, with a big impact that hurts my back that i hiss in pain.

My eyes widen as I'm met by a pair of cold merciless eyes and a knife to my throat, what the fuck? again with the knife...

"who the hell are you?"

"i was kidnapped by your...friends" i say i debated whether or not to call them his friend so i just went with the flow not caring about the consequences as it was pretty easy to guess.

"kidnapped?, then what the hell are you doing in my kitchen?" he hisses, his breathe fanning my face sending shivers down my spine.

"i was hungry besides Momo knows me" i spit out

"Momo?" his grip loosens but not loose enough to let me go

i stare at the man with curiosity, his hair is dyed a white colour that makes him look as though he has jumped out of an anime and his features are also very pretty, too bad his personalty and mental health sucks.

"hyung, leave her, ill deal with her" another voice sounds from the room, his voice sounds so appealing i know its wrong for me to say this at this particular moment of time but i hope his looks compliment his alluring voice.

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