Chapter 7 ~ Boxers

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jungkook ✖︎ wrong [gang au]

Shoutout to Parkprot on Youtube 


Kim Haewon POV

I take the shirt and sweatpants from Jungkook's hand and he points to a door next to the dressing table.

"that's the en suite, you can shower and change there"

I nod my head and walk over to the door, i turn the handle and open the door to reveal a very big bathroom.

There is a large bathtub against the far wall and a glass shower situated next to it, the toilet is on the opposite side with a sink and a long vanity unit against the wall.

i walk in and put the clothes on the unit where a towel is already there along with body essentials.

I quickly strip out of my clothes and make my way to the glass shower and turn it on.

I let the hot water soothe my tensed shoulders and muscles relieving my stress away, i wash my hair thouroughly too.

after a long relaxing shower i get out and wrap myself up with a towl when i realise i dont have any undergarnments other than the ones i just took off.

"oh shit" i mutter under my breath

i'm going to have to ask jungkook, my cheeks heat up with embarrassment at the thought of asking him for undergarments.

after a few minutes of pondering i check the vanity just in case, but there is only towels and boxers and other products.

i'm not wearing his boxers, he'll think im mad.

i give him a shout "Jungkook!"

I hear the sound of running and the door bursts open making me yelp in surprise

"whats wrong? are you-" he stops talking as his eyes run all over me.

"yah stop looking" i say my cheek burning

"whats up?" he says smirking, leaning against the doorway, enjoying the view.

i roll my eyes "you didn't give me a bra and -"

he cuts me off "just use my boxers for now, i cant ask momo because she is asleep and she's the only girl in the house with those undergarnments so just use my boxers"

My eyes widen and my jaw drops, did he just....?

He takes steps towards me and he uses his index finger to push my chin up, closing my mouth

"dont look so shocked, if you dont want to wear those then i guess you'll just have to sleep without anything on underneath" He smirks victoriously 

"fine" i muster up the courage to speak after the shock

"what?" he says 

"i'll wear them" i say

He goes over to the vanity and takes out a pair of black boxers and hands them to me.

he gives me a wave and closes the door behind him

i quickly dry my hair with a towel and then i take off my towel that hugs my body and wear the boxers, sweatpants and the white shirt that i seem to drown in without a bra and open the door.

i spot Jungkook lying on the bed with his phone, his eyes look up when noticing my presence and i see him visibly gulp as his eyes take in my appearance.

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