Chapter 15 ~ awkward

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Kim Haewon POV
I wake up to see Jungkook snoring softly beside me, his arm draped over my waist and he sleeps. I look at his face in detail taking everything in, how can someone be that beautiful and perfect. I slide out of his arms gently so I don't wake him up and run to the shower because I still have no clothes on, I grab the nearest clean clothes and run to the bathroom.

I quickly shower and wash the sweat and sex smell off of me and get clean for a new day.
I get into a black top with black jeans ripped at the knees and pull a hoodie over my head.
I look at myself in the mirror a notice a big mark on the side of my neck.

Damn Jungkook really did make me his, the big purple blue mark is so big anyone can spot it.

I try covering it with my hoodie but it doesn't work in the end I just leave it and if anyone sees it then who cares.

I walk out and see Jungkook sprawled on the bed sleeping softly.

I don't want to dusturb him so I make my way down the stairs to the kitchen.

I open the fridge and get the orange juice and pour it in a glass for myself then I put the orange juice carton back in the fridge,as I'm closing the door a face comes into view making me jump up in fright. I place a hand over my beating heart and say "you scared the shit out of me Jin oppa"

He leans against the door frame of the kitchen with a massive Cheshire grin and he wiggles his eyebrows at me "I heard you were really busy last night"

I look away from his curious eyes, I clear my throat and take a sip of my juice "I don't know what your talking about"

"Jungkook, faster, harder, deeper" he says putting a girly voice on and I spit the juice out of my mouth and look at him with flushed cheeks and also in disbelief.

"Jin, shut up someone's going to hear you"

"Haewon darling I think the whole neighbourhood heard you guys banging never mind our house" he says with a chuckle moving over to sit next to me on the breakfast bar stool.

"Were we really that loud" I ask him in shock

"Yes you were, everyone woke up and met in the lounge getting away from our bedrooms because upstairs you could hear it as if it were On speakers" he says
I shove his shoulder playfully and he grins at me.

"I'm guessing you guys have solved whatever the issue was" he says

"Yeah we did" I say with a shy smile.

"That's good" He says taking a sip of my orange juice "hey, get your own juice" I say taking the glass away from him.

The other members file into the kitchen/ diner and they spot me and give me sly grins especially jimin. I shake my head in disbelief and wonder when Jungkook will wake up.

"So Haewon I'm kinda liking the purple on your neck, it suits you" Jimin says giving a sly wink and I growl.

"Whatever" I say and then just as I'm about to say anything else I'm cut off by a voice that makes me swoon " it does suit her, it's my mark, she's mine"

His voice is so attractive it sends shivers of pleasure through me. He stands in all his glory, his hair is wet and he wears a white t shirt that hugs his body showing his muscles, I lock eyes with Jungkook and he gives me a smirk, moves over to where I'm sat. He pecks my lips and sits beside me.
Heat rises to my cheeks and I bury my face in his chest hiding away from all the eyes staring at us in the room.

His chest rumbles as he chuckles lightly and hugs me closer to him.

I lift my head after a while and notice everyone is gone and it's only me and jungkook in the room, he has a glint in those mischevious eyes of his and I can tell he's up to no good.

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