Chapter 22 ~ gotta go

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Jeon Jungkook POV

1 week later

After spending many hours with haewon, lying around, cuddling and keeping in each other's company I get up and it's time for me to leave.

"I gotta go see dad now"

"Don't go" she whines pulling my arms with puppy eyes, oh no not those I try looking away but it's too hard.

"How about you don't go now, go later" I say whispering in his ear.

He stills and i smirk that now I have his full attention. I pull him down on the bed and straddle him.

"Please don't go " I say sensually and I slowly grind on his crotch hoping it will make him stay.

His eyes hold lust and he moans softly before grabbing my behind and pulling me harder against him.

I kiss his neck then along his jawline and then right up to his lips I hover over him and he pulls my head closing the distance between us.

Our lips move in sync and I nibble his bottom lip and then he glides his tongue against it asking for entrance, I let him explore my mouth and our tongues fight for dominance.

What is this man doing to me?

He flips us over so I am lying on the bed with him hovering over me and then he makes his way down to my neck and he sucks a certain spot and nibbles it, I moan out as he sucks my sweet spot.

Then he pulls away, " baby well carry on with this when I get back it's been a week I need to tell him about this now"

I look into his eyes and then nod my head "fine but be quick" I say and then peck his lips.

He presses his lips against my forehead and then leaves.

I got all exited for no reason, ugh I'm just going to go bug momo.

I go into momo's room and see momo watching kdramas again, why am I not surprised this girl just sits and watches kdramas 24/7.

I go up to her and sit her on the bed.
"What's up?" She asks

"Nothing" I mumble playing with my fingers

"Are you... sulking?" She asks

"N-no why would I be sulking?" I say

"I can see right through you what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I say

"Girl if you saw nothing one more time I'll go ask Jungkook" she says

My eyes go wide " no don't say anything to Jungkook.

"Ah ha I have found out who's upset you!" She says

"Now then what did he do to upset you?" She says

I look around and I pout then say " it's really petty"

" I don't care just tell me women god dam it " she says huffing

"I miss jungkook I was in the mood for you know eh hmm and he wanted to go see his dad instead" I say twiddling my thumbs.

After a minute of pure chilling silence it cracks with momo's cackle.

She laughs so hard I feel as though shes gonna pass out or even better die.

I roll my eyes at her and once she finishes laughing she takes deep breathes and then she clears her throat.

"Sorry it was funny"

"Yeah yeah it was hilarious" I say rolling my eyes.

"Do you own any lingerie?" She asks and I look at her with wide eyes.

"No why the fuck would you ask that?" I say

"Because if you wanna do sexy time with Jungkook do it the proper way."

" how?" I ask

She walks over to her walk in wardrobe and I have a bad feeling about this.
She walks back out and holds up a lingerie set and I'm shook.

"By seducing him properly"

"No fucking way" I say

"Oh hell yeah" she says dragging me into the closet

"I have so many pretty sexy ones that I have got but I never wore them which is a shame up until now" she says she picks one up and places in front of me

"Nahhh next" She says putting it away to be dragged out with another.

That's how my day went by.

Jungkook speaking with his dad,

Me a love sick puppy,

And finally momo who wants me to be more sexier.

Hey y'all
Finally edited and updated
Hope you like it  just wanted to show her jelly and needy side 😂
Thank you for reading
I love y'all 💕
Until next time
Peaceout ✌️

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