Chapter 34 ~ its not over yet...

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Haewon POV

I cant believe he is leaving me, he cant leave me...

I sob with my head in my hands and i feel so hurt and distraught. Then suddenly the door bangs open revealing a man with a black mask over his face.

He points a gun straight at jungkook's dad and takes 2 shots to his chest making him stumble backwards and fall on the floor. The man takes his mask off revealing an unknown man whilst the rest of them file into the room with their guns raised.

What the hells going on?

Mr Jeon lie on the ground groaning and I don't look back as jungkook grabs my hand and we sprint out of the mansion getting into the car and driving off, he speeds down the roads.

"Jungkook what the fuck is going on?" I say getting scared

"This wasn't meant to happen" he mumbles

"Of course it wasn't you were supposed to just tell them and then the next day an ambush, not sacrificing yourself" i say tears rolling down my cheeks

"Baby we'll talk about this later"

"What do you mean later, i want to know now"

"Baby no, later"

"NOW JUNGKOOK" i yell and he screech's the car to a halt and before i can register what's happening he leans over and grabs my face in his hands and kisses me.

I try pushing him away but to no avail he doesn't budge, after fighting against him i eventually kiss him back and its rushed as if there no time left in the world. He moves his seat back a little and picks me up by my waist moving me onto his lap skilfully.

We don't break the kiss but when my back hits the wheel a 'honk' is sounded from the car making me jump. We break the kiss slowly and he has his arms a wrapped around my waist as i have mine around his neck.

"I love you have won, i would never leave you, everything wont make sense right now but ill let you know as soon as we get back to the house ok?" He asks

After looking into his eyes that hold so must trust and meaning you give a soft sigh and believe him...

"Ok" i say softly

He cups my cheek with his palm and give me a small smile.

"I love you and I'm sorry you went through that" he says

"It's ok" i say not meeting his eyes

He lifts my chin up with his finger and he says "look at me"

I love into his eyes that hold so many emotions and I don't understand but I'm sure i will.

"I really am sorry"

You sigh softly and say "its ok just don't do or say that you will leave me again" 

"I will never leave you so don't worry" he says softly pushing my hair back behind my ear 

"For real?" I ask with my pinky up

"Yes" he says folding his pinky with mine and then stamping it with our thumbs.

He places his lips on my forehead gently and i close my eyes in relief...

I trust him...




Hey yall

Ok so some of yall seem a little confused so am a break it down for you...

As the plan was mentioned in chapter 32 (well sort of) the only info out of there was that they will both go to the house (more like mansion) of Mr.Jeon and announce the news, however due to unforeseen circumstances, they were 'kindly' invited *eye roll* to the mansion for dinner which was unordinary and out of the blue especially to jungkook. Jungkook is suspicious of his father through out the whole time.

I will not be mentioning the original plan but according to jungkooks plan, he was going to sacrifice himself for haewon because he knew his father will never stop until haewon is dead, therefore he proposed a deal to his father, leaving haewon extremely confused as this whole thing wasn't going to plan and jungkook had plans of his own.

You all don't know if this was the original plan of jungkook's and that haewon didn't know, or it could be a totally different plan that no one knew about, only jungkook himself or it could have been a plan where there was an actual point to it involving the other members but failed as those men barged in..... no one knows....only me 😂 

Answering one of the questions about why jungkook decided to leave when he said he wanted to start a family just hints something really big, if you cant figure it out ill be releasing the answers in the chapters 😂 don't stress...

I hope this break down was useful and kind of made you understood a bit more of 'what the hells going on?' 😂 

If you have any other questions then leave them and i will answer them in the comments or even during this authors note...

Another thing before you leave is that this book is shortly coming to an end so there's only a few chapters left.... sadly 😔  and they will be short like these... i think 🤷‍♀️ 

That's all for now

Until next time

Peace out ✌️ 

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