Chapter 32 ~ wounded

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Jungkook POV

Haewon flinches in my arms, i shoot up, holding her up in my arms bridal style and run towards the bedroom.

I place her down and search the room with Haewon close beside me, I open a secret door on the floor that Jin installed incase of emergencies and i hold her cheeks as fear overcomes her and flashes in her eyes.

"Listen to me haewon just breathe, down this place will be a room at the end of the corridor, open the door and close it behind you, do not come looking for me until i come, don't leave that room okay?" I ask

She hastily nods her head and i quickly close the door above her and move the dressing table over the spot, concealing its hidden place.

I take the gun out of my back pocket place my back against the other wall hiding my figure and aim at the door, ready to kill all the motherfuckers that walk through it.


Kim Haewon POV

The sickening feeling at the pit of my stomach appears and i feel awful, i must stay strong for jungkook, i go down the ladder slowly and when i reach the ground i get my phone out of my pocket and turn the flashlight on, its a very long corridoor, i walk through it carefully.

I never new there was a secret passageway, if jungkook wasnt here what would have happened I would've been dead meat, i shiver with the thought of me lying dead and jungkook not knowing at all. The hairs on my neck stand on end and i continue with an unsteady walk.

I reach the end and there's a mental door, i turn the handle and push it open, the door is smooth and cold under my touch but also very heavy as i push it.

Walking inside the room, i notice a light switch on the side, i flick it on and the room is lit making me wince slightly at the blinding light.

I close the door behind me and i bolt it shut with the lock just as jungkook would want me.

The room is quite small, it has a mini kitchen on one side and a door next to the side, i wonder where that leads to. There's a couch and bed on the opposite side and a tall drawer. It's like a apartment in one room.

I take a seat on the sofa and curl into a ball as i wonder what's going on, i hope jungkook will be ok.

I wait patiently and it seems as though days fly by as i wait but then suddenly a knock is sounded at the door, i cautiously move over to the door and then i hear a familiar voice.

"Haewon its just me open up" he says

I unlock the door and in comes jungkook he flys at me and engulfs me in a tight hug, tears sting my eyes and then he lets go, i touch his side and he winces.

I pull my hand back and see blood on my hand, my heart begins to beat harder against my chest.

"Are you ok?" I Say pulling his jacket off

"I'm fine, lets get out of here quickly" he says shrugging me off

"No jungkook i need to see before we go" i say my eyes locking with his, after a while his eyes soften and he says "fine, just hurry"

I take his jacket off and sit him down on the sofa, he pulls off his top and i cant help but get distracted by his toned torso.

Focus girl...

I look at the wound, I don't know how deep it is so i quickly rummage through the kitchen drawers and i find a cloth. I tell jungkook to compress the wound to stop the bleeding.

I search for a first aid kit but i cant find one, "the kit is in the bathroom" jungkook says nodding towards the door.

walking towards it and i open it revealing a small bathroom, so it was a bathroom and here i was thinking it lead to narnia or something, i internally shake my head.

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