Chapter 35 ~ NO

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Haewon POV

Jungkook parks outside the safe house and he locks it but something doesn't feel right, that's when i notice the window is smashed.

"Jungkook it's smashed" i hiss at him 

His eyes widen and he moves to open the door that has been broken and he pushes it revealing a wrecked house.

I gasp and my eyes begin to water, oh no. I bring a hand to my face and I'm in shock.

Trails of red liquid, more like blood is splattered on the floor and on the wall but no where else, only furniture smashed.

My eyes analyse the wrecked room and open plan as jungkook makes his way through all the space. I help trying to find clues, I see a door at the edge of the stairs and i open it and there's stairs leading to the basement i think, you look behind you. Jungkook isnt there but its awfully quiet down there but i should double check anyway.

Right now I'm cursing myself because in every horror movie they always go towards the danger which is ironic to what i would be avoiding right now.

I take quiet steps and then i reach the bottom its dark so i try searching the wall for a light switch but all of a sudden the lights turn on and I'm dragged by my hair the cold steel of the gun is resting on my temple. I see a glimpse of jungkooks dad and confusion envelopes me.

I thought he was dead?

I'm in a lock position and if i make one wrong move or sound i have no doubt that he will pull the trigger.

A muffled sound makes me turn my gaze and i notice all of them lined up and tied up in the chairs, my eyes meet Momo and she has fear in her eyes. A man points a gun at her head and i really hope nothing happens to her.

I groan as my twisted arm hurts but i keep still and not make any sound, i hear jungkooks voice calling my name and my heart leaps out of my chest, if he comes down here he will get killed or they will kill me in front of him.

His footsteps get closer and he reaches the bottom locking eyes with the Mr. Jeon that holds me and jungkook's gun is aimed at Mr.Jeon.

"Son its finally nice of you to join us" he says with a low chuckle

"Shut the fuck up and let her and the rest of them go" he growls in return

"Let's make a deal" he suggests

"How are you even alive, we saw you get shot" jungkook says

"Bullet proof vest" he says his voice is next to my ear and i cringe.

"Don't hurt her just put down the gun dad" he says pleading coldly with his eyes.

"No, not until you sign a contract" mr.Jeon says

"What contract?" Jungkook asks

"To become the mafia boss" he says

I look at jungkook and I've never seen him look so twisted and scary in all my time.




Hey here's another update

Hope yall enjoyed

Thanks for reading!

Until next time...

Peaceout ✌️ 

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