Chapter 24 ~ strange

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Jeon Jungkook PoV

I grip the handle in my hand and say "no she hasn't and don't even think about going anywhere near her" I growl facing the door

"I won't touch her" he says and I open the door and walk out.

Would my dad lie to me or is he telling the truth?

No, he won't lie to me he's my father, I shake off the unsettling feeling that envolopes me and then walk out of the hideout and towards my car.


Kim haewon POV
I walk out of the shower and wear a towel around myself.

I wonder when he will be back home.
It's pretty late.

I check the time it reads 11:50pm, it's nearly midnight is he okay? Should I ring him?

My finger hovers over the call button and I decide to just do it.

I press the phone against my ear and wait till he picks up.


"Hey I was wondering if you are you ok?"

"Oh baby yeah I'm good I'm heading home right now" he says

"Oh ok how long you going be?"

"Umm about 5,6 minutes why?" He says

"Oh nothing just got a surprise for you" I say a smile lightening my face.

"Oh have you now?" He says in a flirtatious tone

"Yup, I'll see you later" I say

"Alright, bye"

I hang up and quickly put on my lingerie.
Oof what is he gonna say when he sees me?

My cheeks heat up and butterfly's erupt in my stomach making me feel all giddy inside.

I place a hand over my heart and try to calm my racing heart down before putting on a transparent black overall.

I go out of the bathroom and I sit on the bed.

After a few minutes of waiting the door opens and reveals the man of my dreams.
His eyes widen at my 'choice of clothing' let's just say.

A smirk widens on his face, he locks the door behind him.

My heart hammers against my chest as he makes slows steps towards me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he closes the distance between us.

It's slow and passionate and makes me go wild, I tug on his hair slightly earning a groan from him whilst he kisses me, I smirk in the kiss and he tells me to jump.
I jump and he holds me up my thighs as my legs wrap around his waist.

(A/N ⚠️ virgin eyes do not read from here onwards and all you that gonna read it get your holy water ready ⚠️ )

He lowers us on the bed and he kisses my jawline and he tugs in my mini dress that I wore on top, I pull it over my head and His eyes swirl with lust.

They rake my body hungrily and he lowly growls before attacking my neck. I put my hands in his hair playing with it as he bites and sucks my necks. A moan comes from the back of my throat and he smiles against my skin.

He goes all the way down my body and then his dingertips touch my inner thigh right next to my women hood.

"You sexy but this will look sexier if they were on the floor somewhere" he's says huskily in my ear.

He unclips my bra and I take off his top and he then tugs my off the flimsy material that separates him from fingering me.

He goes lower and I wonder what he's doing when I feel something wet . He licks my clit and I grab a handful of his hair and arch my back as I become a moaning mess.

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