Chapter 18 ~ From scratch

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Kim Haewon

I lie in bed next to jungkook and he keeps me all wrapped up in his arms, safe and secure. His arms feel like home. I rest my head on his chest and unintentionally draw circles around on his chest.

"Jungkook" I say

"Hmm" he hums in response

"I want to help you" I say

"What do you mean" he says sitting up and leaning on his elbow to hover over me

His eyes are like pools that are swimming with different emotions and I am hypnotised at them in awe. I fiddle with my fingers and I can feel his breath fanning my face at the close proximity of us.

"Helping you in some sort, um..." I trial off

"What's bothering you baby, talk to me" he says my heart flutters at the nickname and I look up at him.

"I know you want to avenge your mums death" I say to him and he doesn't flinch his eyes swim with the same emotions, he doesn't want to block me out and he isn't guarded like he was before.

He sighs "I guess you were going to know eventually but its ok with you being here by my side that's the best help you can give so don't worry about that, leave the avenging to me"

I nod my head and he presses his lips on my forehead and I close my eyes and enjoy the moment and savour it. He pulls away and lies next to me, pulls me closer into his side.

"I'm going to protect you and no one is going to do the same thing what happened to my mum to you" he says

In his arms, in this house i feel at peace at home. I know that no harm will come to me and if anything does happen jungkook will always be here to protect me and care for me.

I warp my arms around his torso and end up falling asleep but I don't miss the soft whispering of jungkook "no ones gonna take you away from me, never again..."


Next day

Jungkook POV

I sit in the chair and swivel slightly trying to figure out a way to get this over with.

I'm in our planning room with the rest of them and we try to wrap our head around this whole mission itself and try to take down as many leads as we can before my father has all of our heads.

"Our last bet is the ones who have taken haewon" Jin Hyung says

"But they only took haewon because of me" I say confused

"Exactly" youngi Hyung points

"They did it because they wanted to get to you and this hideout, why the hell are they so interested in you then?"namjoon hyung says

"I'm the mafias son and ill be taking over my fathers position but it doesn't make sense" i say trying to slot the pieces together

"Your taking the place of your father, they tore down your mother to take something valuable away from him" hobi Hyung says

My head swirls around with ideas and one pops up and I sit back in shock

"There's something father isn't telling me" i say

Jimin asks curious "what do you mean?"

"There's a loop hole in this whole fucking operation and were going round in circles like clowns, why the hell did I not see this before" I say exasperated

"What the hell are you talking about jungkook" taehung Hyung asks

I laugh in disbelief "why the hell did my mother die in the first place, no one in their sick mind would go kill my mother for no reason..." I trail off

Namjoon hyung speaks "yes but maybe they did it out of jealousy, there has to be another way"

"What if there isn't and father isn't telling us for a reason" I say

"And what stupid ass reason would that be?" Jin Hyung asks

"To cover up his tracks" I say

"Woah woah woah back the fuck up, how can you even say that jungkook?" Namjoon hyung says blown away

"It does make sense in a way but its just a theory" agrees jimin

"Yeah but your going against your dad" Jin Hyung says

I glance at all of them as they are eager to what I have to say, I sigh and get up and start to think

"Father only told us that my mother got murdered the only lead he gave us is one thing, one gang in the whole of Korea that has always resented my father but how does it make sense that we go attacking them without any proof, what I mean is that the lead father gave us was a hunch, a guess and if we go killing the wrong guys then it will be war" I say

"The thing I want to know is why they hate your father so much and from there maybe we can start new leads" yoongi hyung says and I grin at him as he reads my mind with accuracy.

"So we starting from scratch" Jin asks

"No not from scratch we still need to take one man down and make him talk luckily he is part of the gang my father dispises so much and if were lucky and he spills the truth then we have a new lead" I say

We all start planning the kidnap mission and I sit back and for once I feel as though we are actually getting somewhere with this whole operation.

I will avenge my mothers death... one day and when that day comes

All hell will break loose...



Hey yall, 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Let me know which characters you want to see more of, atm I'm trying to fit all the characters in and create the plot line more interesting, yes he wants to avenge his mothers death but ill let yall in on some tiny information

Kim Haewon is linked to his mothers death

I shall say no more 😂 

Sorry yall i love ya tho 💕 

Thanks for reading and supporting 

Let me know what you think 🤔 

Also let me know if you prefer longer or shorter chapters pleaseeee thank you 🙏 

Until next time x

Peace out ✌️ 

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