Chapter 14 ~ beautiful inside and out

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He pressed his lips on mine and it's a sweet and plesant one and after a few seconds the kiss picks up the pace and it becomes almost hungry like, like all the sexual tension between the both of us is there.

I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him more closer to me, he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me even more humanly closer to him, he slides his hands smoothly down to pick me up and I wrap my legs around his waist all the while not leaving his lips, his lips send me into a frenzy. I can't think straight and my only needs and want is him.

I'm being moved over and he gently places me on the bed. He hovers over me on all fours and I ruffle my hands into his soft hair, tugging gently and he moans into the kiss making me grin.

He breaks away leaning his forehead on mine before, his eyes darkening over with lust. He leans and kisses my jaw line all down my neck, he sucks a certain spot and I know it's my weak spot because I moan out and I don't even realise that it's really me that's moaning.

He lifts the hem of his top and pulls it off letting my eyes be blessed with his glorious 8 pack that is drool worthy. He smirks and presses a gentle kiss on my lips sending an army of butterfly's erupt in my stomach.

He holds the hem of my shirt ready to pull it off before my brain kicks in and I stop him from going further. I gently push him back. And sit up straighter.

I can't let him see my body he'll be disgusted.
The reason I always cover up and wear loads of layers or big hoodies is to not show skin, skin that has been damaged and looks like a girl out of a horror movie. I can't let anyone see that let alone someone I am close to.

Jungkook places his fingers on my chin and pulls it up for me to meet his eyes, his eyes show concern and worry whilst a tear rolls down my face. With a quick swift of his thump the tear is gone but my eyes threaten to pour more.

"What's wrong" he asks softly sitting beside me

"You can't see me naked, you will be horrified" I say as another tear falls down

"What makes you say that?" He says cocking his head to the side in a charming way

"My body is hideous" I say with disgust

After a few moments of silence he breaks it
"I want you to see something" he says and I'm intrigued.

He turns around and I see his back full of scars, some long and deep and some small but deep enough to show. I get up and gently lay the tips of my fingers over his scars and he says "these scars will stay with me forever but they also all tell a story, they are bad times however they remind me of how I got through the difficulty and here I am now"

I am blown away by his words and they touch me deeply.
"I'm not going to force you to show me yours because everyone is different, I'm showing you mine because even though i have scars they don't define who I am they just show how strong I am to get through those rough times"

I nod my head and say "no your right" 

I slowly lift the hem of my top and swiftly pull it over my head and fling it somewhere.
"You don't have to" Jungkook says concern in his eyes

I give him a small confident smile and say " I want to"

I take a deep breath and turn around showing him the worst of my body, when I was a child and was burned by an iron or scratched multiple times my back is full of burn scars and scratch ones now. I've always hated them because they always remind me of how badly I was treated as a child but hearing Jungkook say those words leave me in awe because I realise that no one is perfect everyone has flaws and have had bad times in their life's but the fact of getting through those difficult times make you stronger.

It was selfish to think I only went through difficult times but Jungkook also did too and he was confident to show me and it's just him and me. I want him to know the real me so I will show everything to him, my thoughts, my life, my wishes, my dreams because he is worth it. To me he is special to me and if I'm doubting the one guy that helped me all those years ago and also now then it doesn't seem right. I feel secure and safe with him. I've always been insecure about my scars but his words show honesty and sincerity and I couldn't help but be blown away by him.

He turns me around and I open my eyes to find him looking at me in admiration, caring and maybe something deeper...

He engulfs me in a hug and I snuggle into his embrace loving the warmth that radiates from him.  

"Your beautiful inside and out" he says and I pull away with tears in my eyes and his eyes flicker over my lips and I lean forward and press my lips on his.

He pushes me back on the bed and he gets rid the clothes and he softly handles me.

"Your fucking beautiful" he says and I blush shying from his intense gaze

He leans down planting soft gentle kisses everywhere painting my body like it's a canvas.
He gets rid of his boxers and asks "tell me to stop now or else there's no going back, I won't be able to stop myself"

I pull him closer and say " I want you, only you"


He grabs a condom and rolls it onto his long length.

He poisons himself at my entrance and he enters, i scream out in pain a tear rolls down from my eye and he kisses it away.

After a few moments of letting me get adjusted to his size he moves slowly and he says "fuck your so tight baby girl"

After moving in and out the pain turn into pleasure and I scream and moan uncontrollably.

I wrap my legs around his waist pulling him more into me and I scratch his back in pleasure.

He pounds faster and harder, I moan out so loud, i feel as though im in the clouds.

After I hit my g-spot "I'm close" I gasp out to Jungkook
"Hang on a minute baby girl" and I grit my teeth and release and so does Jungkook.
My back arches out in pleasure and I feel hot, sweaty and I smell of sex.


Jungkook collapses on top of me but leans on his forearms so he don't put his weight on me completely.
He pecks my lips and rolls to the side of me pulling me beside him.
I pull the duvet over us and snuggle into him.
"You took my virginity" I say
And he looks down at me in awe and kisses my forehead "I'm glad I did"

Hey guys and gyals
Hope your all doing well

I updated this very steamy chapter today
Those of you'd who have been waiting for this moment congrats those of you with virgin eyes, don't worry we shall continue with the plot line next update 😊

I love yall 😭💖💖💖💖💖
You guys seriously are the best 💕
Until next time x
Peaceout ✌️

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