Chapter 37 ~ Leaving

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The metal isnt pressed against my temple anymore and I've been released. The body collapses on the floor and blood spurts out everywhere. I squeeze my eyes shut as i might have another panic attack.

A hand grips my wrist and drags me gently but quickly and i soon open my eyes, its jungkook.

He leads me out and puts me in the car when Jimin is seated in the drivers, i sit shotgun but i hold his wrist tightly not letting him go. "Baby ill be coming soon, Jimin will get you our of here"

Fear and sadness overwhelms me and tears flow from my eyes "I'm not leaving you"

"Neither am i, but you have to get safe first your the first priority" he says and he gives me a small hug and leaves a kiss on my forehead before sprinting back into the house.

I sob and try calming down, Jimin rubs my back in comfort and i slowly calm down as he drives off to a safer place...

Jungkook POV

I go back into the basement and see my fathers body that is being taken away and put into a black bag by yoongi hyung and namjoon hyung.

"What will we do now?" Jin says looking at the place.

"Do what we should have done ages ago" i say with a shrug

"Change our fake identities and go and live life properly"

"What?" Jin asks shocked "were meant to serve you as the new boss"

"I'm not allowing that, haewon cant be in that field and she deserves to be free not cooped up in a house" i say

"All of you deserve freedom, we've been brought up as killers, its time to starts a fresh" i say

"Who knows about this?" Jin asks

"Jimin, taehyung and hobi hyung" i say

"Why didnt you tell the others?" Jin asked

"It was a last minute descion, hobi Hyung has already got us all a house in gangnam and new identities, well be moving straight away"

"You'll be closer to your company you own, very clever"

"I was the anonymous CEO that ran it from here so when i go, i can set up a normal life and I'm sure Haewon will be happy too" i say with a smile

"Your really whipped for her aren't you" Jin hyung says

You hit him playfully and then help the guys pour the petrol all over the place and house. Ready to set it on fire.



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