Chapter 30

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Kim haewon POV

My heart beats faster and faster as he opens his eyes, he looks down at the pregnancy test and he springs up from his seat and automatically I know he isn't happy, his face is shadowed and tears flow from my eyes like waterfalls.

Then I stop as I see him shaking a little, I place a hand on his right shoulder blade and he turns to me and I'm shocked as he cry's, the first time ever I see jungkook actually cry.

He has a big smile on his face and he lifts me up spinning me around, I squeel slightly and hold onto him.

He lets me down and he shows me the test, "this isn't a prank right?" He asks

I shake my head and he plants his lips on mine after kissing me and we are losing oxygen we pull alway and I ask "your not mad?"

"Why would I be mad?" He shakes his head and chuckles I smile with teary eyes

"I thought you wouldn't want it because of everything that's going on" I say and the smile on his face drops as realisation probably has hit him.

He stand back and away from me "jungkook what-" I say but he cuts me off

"We need to keep you safe, your my priority and so is that little one growing inside of you, your holding our future and no one is going to get in the way" jungkook says and he looks so scary but I feel stupid for thinking he's so hot right now.

"What are we going to do jungkook?" I say and I feel so hopless

I sit on the sofa and he lifts me up and into my lap, I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him,  he pecks my lips and then asks "don't worry I have a plan"

"What's the plan?" I ask





After jungkook tels me the whole plan I cant help but feel uneasy yet still safe, jungkook will be beside me and I don't care nothing matters and we will fight through this.

We sit in silence and decided to watch a movie, my head rests on jungkooks shoulder and his arm is wrapped around me tucking me nice and close into him.

We're watching 50 shades of grey, we debated but I lost and now we have to watch this stead of that beautiful horror movie I suggested.

There's a heated scene and my breathe hitches as a cold hand reaches my thigh, I hiss at the coldness of his hand and he keeps going towards my area, "jungkook" I say in my warning tone but he doesn't get the hint and continues whilst his eyes are glued to the screen.


He rubs my pussy gently and just his touch begins to turn me on so bad, I moan as he rubs it. If there was no flimsy pantie material there he would have been full on fingering me.

I moan unintentially right next to his ear and I feel him twitch and all of a sudden he pounces on me and as I'm laying on the sofa he hovers over me. I look into his eyes that swim with so much lust and love.

His fingertips trace over the feature of my face and he murmurs "just so beautiful"

He leans down and kisses my lips gently nad after kissing it becomes more fast paced and its almost as if were in a rush.

I wrap my legs around his waist and he picks me up smoothly and we kiss as he walks towards the bedroom. He kicks it open and kicks it shut with his heel and places me on the bed.

I pull off his leather jacket and take off his beanie flinging it somewhere. He takes off my top and he then pulls off his revealing those abs that mesmerise me. His body is perfection, I place a hand and run it down his abs.

He rubs my clit and plays with me, I whine as he teases me and I get up and undress his lower part.

He helps me take them off and then he dumps them somewhere, I see his bulge through the boxers, he pulls it down for it to spring out, his length is fully erected

I grab it with my small hands and lick the tip teasingly I smirk up at him and he groans throwing his head back as I lick it, I start pulling him off and deep throat him, he holds my head and it hits the back of my throat making me gag slightly, the sounds of his groans and moans fill my ears with happiness and I feel it twitch in my mouth and I don't let it go and I swallow every last drop.

I let him go and he kisses me with force, my hands wound up and tangle into his hair. He pushes me on the bed and uncoils my bra and rips off my panties. RIP those were my favourite ones.

He positions me at my entrance and he plunges himself inside me, I gasp and fist the bedsheets.

He kisses my lips as the pain begins to fade away, and then he begins to move against me, he goes faster and faster, his pace building up and I wrap my legs around his waist trying to get every bit of him inside me.

I want more of him he fucks me senseless and I'm a moaning mess, he hits my g-spot and I scream out "I'm gonna.." I trail off and jungkook says "cum for me angel"

I release my back arching with the hit of the orgasm and he also releases his seeds inside me, I feel it filling me up and he pulls me close to him.

"Jungkook i want to shower" I say

"Can I join?" He asks with a smirk

"Sure" I say with a grin "let me just take a breather first"

"Then round 2?" Jungkook suggests

I hit him chest lightly and he chuckles kissing my forehead.




Hey guys another update 

Don't expect me to release another one today 😂 I think 3 updates in one day is just some big luck for yall, normally I wouldn't do such a thing....

Hope yall enjoyed

Thanks for reading 

Until next time

Peace out ✌️ 

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