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Those of you who are sensitive to the topic of VIOLENCE please do NOT read

You've been warned!

There will be a summery at the end for those who are sensitive to Violence and graphic imagery


I tremble in fear and i momentarily close my eyes trying to block out the sounds of their voices.

"Your a waste of space, your a piece of shit, you know that? huh?!" a voice screeches and her claw like hands grab the nearest object and throw it, i dodge the sharp pieces of glass of the vase that hits the wall just a few yards away from my face.

Tears roll down my face as the smell of his alcoholic breathe drifts up my nose "why the hell are you crying for, you useless shit!" he grabs the top of my hair and i scream out in pain as he drags me, i plead and cry "i'm sorry"

i'm sorry for being born, i'm sorry for even existing....

He throws me on the bed, face flat and i cry and scream into the cigarette smell of the bed covers as a hot iron melts into my back, i scream until my lungs hurt.

Tears flow from my eyes as my hair is pulled and repeatedly a hot iron is placed on my back, after ten minutes of living hell, my body feels hot and weak and my legs cannot support me that well but i try and stand as my mothers claws dig into my flesh and scrape my back, she pulls me by the ear cutting it as her nails pierce into my skin.

"Your a big mistake, when are you ever going to learn that" she hisses in my ear and they both exit the room and bang the door shut behind them.

i curl up in a ball on my bed and cry silent tears because if they hear me cry, they certainly will bring out the iron again.

i pull my top over my head that is full of patches of my blood and change into a new set of clothes.

I need to get out of here, i need to leave... i decide

i cannot bear to stay here any longer, because if i do, i will continue living my life as hell.

I scurry over to my small wardrobe that consists of a few pair of clothes, mostly dresses, i take the top and jeans out and some jumpers and stash it in my school bag, because they wouldn't let me get a normal bag.

i get my hoodie and slip it on, my parents hate hoodies but they make me feel covered and secure.

i get my little money box and take out the money i have been saving up and also put it into my bag and all my other things.

once i'm packed i silently wait until i hear snores coming from my parents room.

I tip toe quietly and run out of the house, my weak legs carry me all the way, away from my home, iv'e always avoided going to the police because my dad said he would slit my throat with a knife if i told anyone what was happening at home and for that reason, no one knew about it...

after so long running i finally collapse and i pass out just outside the back yard of a mansion.



For those of you who did not want to read it because of the violence and graphic imagery

Here's the summery... ;)

A little girl, she's 7 yrs old and she has abusive parents, she decides to run away and she does it successfully before passing out, outside the backyard of a mansion....

so this is the beginning of the story, kidnapped

i hope you enjoy it and continue to support this FF ;)

Thank you for reading i sincerely appreciate it x



Kidnapped (JJK FF ) #UNIVERSTARAWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now