Chapter 17

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Jungkook POV

I walk down the bright red halls and reach the door, I knock on the door and hear a faint "come in"

I walk in the grand room and spot my father sat behind his desk flipping through paperwork and a wad of cash.

"You called, what was the emergency?" I ask in a monotone voice

"I wanted to ask you a question"

"Go ahead" I say taking a seat 

"I heard you and the boys broke into a building and apparently I heard it was a rescue mission, is this true?"

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, if he knows about Haewon he will kill her.

"Yes it was a rescue mission" I say

If I lie, not only will Haeon be killed but also my Hyungs will be in danger, we weren't allowed to preform any missions other than the one we are currently working on and if we do then it wont be good for us.

"Now here's the last question, who's the girl?"

"Which girl?" I ask

"The one you kidnapped, risked your identity and rescued and is also living with you at the current moment" he says his head tilted to the side.

"She's a civilian and is now under my protection"

"Why didn't you kill her?" He asks

"She knows momo and they are like sisters, I couldn't kill her because Momo would be hurt" I say

Momo is his ultimate weakness if I used Momo against him he wont do anything, He nods his head and laces his fingers on the desk in front on him.

"If there is any trouble with that girl again, I will not hesitate to kill her, is that clear?"

"Crystal" I say

"How's the mission going?"

"At the moment there's no luck but were working on it" I say confidently

"You have to find the guy by the end of this week, if you don't, ill be doubling work hours now leave" he says returning back to his paperwork

I walk out of the room nodding my head in respect to one of the guards that guard his room and then move along.


I open the front door with a key and lock it behind me, I'm hit with a lovely aroma and my stomach grumbles, i make my way over to the kitchen and I see Haewon sitting at the island with a smile so contagious, she's laughing at something Jimin said to her and he's giving a her a big eye smile.

I'm happy if Haewon is happy and I'm never letting go of Haewon again.

I cant let her go, I've already lost my mother I cant lose someone close that is slowly creeping their way into my heart, it will kill me.

Her eyes lock onto mine and a grin lights its way onto her face, I smile and I walk over to where they are and slide next to Haewon.

"Can I borrow her for a minute?"

Before she can even speak I lift her up and over my shoulder

"Hey jungkook! Put me down!" She yells

I take her up the stairs and through the corridor, she bangs her fist on my back and I spank her ass and let her down in the bedroom.

"What was that all about?" She asks


"I have two legs I could have used them"

"Yeah I have two legs too but mine are longer and faster unlike yours" I say with a chuckle plonking down on my bed

I usher her over to me with my hands and she stands with her arms

"Oh come on I'm sorry" I say

I pull her closer and she straddles my lap.

"Fine your forgiven but why are we in your room anyway?" She says

"It's our room and its because I have something for you"

Her eyes light up "really?"

I nod my head with a grin and take the small velvet box out of my pocket and hand it to her.

She opens in and looks at it in awe "it's beautiful"

"Shall I put it on you?"

She nods

I take the pendant out of the box it is exactly like my mothers, I got it made to be identical so we both share the same one and it also has a lot of memories behind it for the both of us.

I put it on her and clip the back of it, she twirls the pendant between her fingers and she has a tear in her eye "its amazing, thank you jungkook"

She pecks my lips and I pull her in for a longer one, we pull back slightly for air and the words that come out of my words shock her as well as myself.

"I'm falling for you really hard"

My breath hitches at she will say "I'm falling for you hard too"

And I place my hand on the back of her neck and kiss her passionately.

No one has made me feel like this ever and I only want to share this experience with her only.

I'm glad I helped her outside of my backyard years ago, I don't regret that at all.





Hey guyssss

Here's the new update, I've had really bad writers block so I couldn't update and then on top of that I've been ill and I have to catch up on so much work because I didn't go college for a week so that sucks and on top of all that I had an exam today so that sucks too and then even more on top of that I have an assignment to hand in tomorrow and that's just great (note sarcasm) however seen as though I haven't updated I felt extremely bad and thought ill upload the update and then ill continue on my assignment...

Ugh college life sucks

Thanks for everyone who has been waiting patiently I sincerely appreciate it x

I love yall ❤️💕💕


Until next time!

Peace out beautiful people ✌️

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