Chapter 16 ~ Nuts

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Kim Haewon
The following day I yawn and see Momo sprawled across the bed in a awkward position snoring away. I shake my head at her cuteness and get up. I slip on my socks and walk towards the bathroom I brush my teeth, wash my face and then comb my long ass hair. After that I search through monos wardrobe after last nights deep talk and also her making me realise I may have feeling for Jungkook we decided to watch that movie before I was going to get kidnapped.

During the movie I dozed off because let's face it I'm not a chick flick person and 'the notebook ' bored me to death that I knocked out like half an hour into the movie.

(A/N Sorry guys I know it might be a classic or whatever but I just fall asleep through it... 😐)

I rummage through her clothes and none of them are my style because let's face reality here Momo dresses like a slut 90% of the time, not slut shaming or anything but she does have the tastebuds of one and I don't blame her if at the moment her sole purpose is to grab a guys attention AKA *cough* Jin *cough* so yeah plus she has a body of a model too so the clothes she wears make her look beautiful in every way.

Me on the other hand, I'm not fat I would wear clothes like momo only the fact that I enjoy wearing baggy clothes more and not tight revealing clothes that she does because I'm incredibly insecure about myself and also guys clothes are comfy as f*ck.

I don't spot anything I like so I make my way to my old bedroom and I walk in only to realise that it's empty.

I'm confused so I go to jungkooks room and I search his cupboard and all my clothes are hanging, I guess I'm back to square one.

I take some clothes out, get changed in the bathroom and walk out to see Jungkook sat on the bed. I freeze momentarily appreciating his appearance.

He locks eyes with mine and they are so intense butterfly's erupt in the pit of my stomach and my chest flutters.

He walks towards me slowly and my heart begins to beat rapidly every step he comes closer. I'm surprised I haven't had a panic attack and died of a heart attack by now.

He touches me by the waist and I gasp as he pulls me closer.

" I'm glad I have that effect on you" He says with a smirk.

Cheeky bastard

I attempt....key word:attempt to push him away only to make him pull me closer to him. He takes one of my hands and places it on his chest over his heart and I feel his heart beating so fast. My eyes widen as I notice I have the same effect on him.

"What are you doing to me angel?" He says

He dips his head and his face is so close to mine.

His lips inches away from my own

"I could say the same thing" I whisper and he presses his lips softly against mine.

I reach up and fist his hair moving my mouth against his our tongues fight for dominance after some time we pull away for oxygen and he leans his forehead against mine.

"Did I mention you look beautiful today?" He says and I flush a deep red pushing him away and leaving the room in embarrassment.

What is he doing to me?


Through out the whole day I try my level best to avoid Jungkook but he is there where ever I go. His smiles make me sick with happiness, his smirks drive me crazy, his handsomeness should be illegal and those dimples threaten to kill me.

He drives me nuts and I can't seem to not think about him.

He's always there, present or not. He's always haunting my mind popping out of nowhere, or even popping up in reality and making me breathless.

I can't handle it, where's my evil twin?

I run up to her room and slam open the door to see her shoving popcorn down her throat.

"Wow what's got you looking like a ripe red tomatoe ready to be devoured" she says enthusiastically

"we need to talk" I say closing the door

"Sure go ahead" she says turning her full attention to me, pausing her Korean drama.

"Remember last night when you said something about me having feelings for Jungkook" I say scratching the back of my neck

"Yeahhhh" she says

"Well the thing is....I think I do" I say with a shy smile.

"Hot fudging mother flying damn, you gotta be kidding me... My OTP IS FINALLY SAILING" she screams jumping in the bed squeeling.

OTP? What the flip is a OTP?

"What's an OTP" I ask confused

She grins " it means one true pairing, I've been betting on you and jungkook getting together since he kidnapped you"

"Wait hold the fish up, you betted on us, with who?" I ask

She looks sheepish " me and the rest of the oppas"

I physically face palm myself there and then and wonder why my best friend is so crazy.

"Why on earth would you do that?" I say dragging a hand down my face.

"No.1 because you guys looked cute together, No.2 because someone needed to freeze that cold heart of jungkooks', No.3 you both needed to get laid and No.4 your an ideal sister in law and No.5 I could see it in his eyes every time he looked at you" she says

"Would you like me to carry on my list?" She asks innocently

"There's a list" I exclaim In shock

"Well duh" she says and shoved some popcorn down her throat

"What should I do?" I whine

"What do you mean?" She asks

"About my feelings" I say 

"Tell him how you feel, I'm sure he feels the same" she says

I think back to this morning and smile shyly.

"Ugh get away who are you and what have you done to my cold hearted haewony, soppy haewon is being weird" she says I launch a cushion at her and she giggles at me

"Shut up....its different for me" I say sheepishly

"Yeah and who knew you were capable of finding a guy even though your in prisoned for the rest of your life" she says

I whack her arm and she cradled it to her chest rubbing the spot where I hit her.

"Ouch feisty much" she says sassily

"Whatever moomoo" I say

"I hate that nickname"

"Get used to it" I chuckle

She rolls her eyes at me

Hey people of wattpad
It's a double update I guess
I was kind of in the zone so I'm updating a bit more for yall
I thought it would be nice if there was more input from momo cuz she's rarily in it so here's two chapters where she is more in it..
I love you guys 💕 💖
Stay safe
Until next time
Peaceout beautiful people✌️

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