Chapter 33 ~ plan gone wrong?

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Haewon POV

I sit in the wooden chair with Mr.Jeon, jungkooks dad opposite me and his fiancé on his left whilst Jungkook was sat on my right. He invited us over for dinner and the attack was actually not of his own and was actually from the kidnappers who kidnapped me last also known as the red gang and this one and them have a disputed over a constant revenge cycle.

I take a sip of water and Mr. Jeon asks "i would like to say something" 

I look up at him and he says "i apologise for trying to murder you on several occasions"

My jaw hangs open and I'm in shock, what does he mean by apologise?, is he being for real or is he playing with us.

I turn to jungkook who has kept his poker face on and is staring hard at his father, he probably seems suspicious on his behaviour.

"As i will be getting married to Miss Ji, i thought we should put disputes aside and become a family" he says with a big smile, it sort of creeps me out because smiling like that from a potentially evil and dangerous man just gives me the creep vibes.

"We also have something to tell you" jungkook says, glancing at you.

He holds my hand from under the table and his thumb rubs in circles over my hand, soothing me and making me feel relaxed and calm.

"We're going to have a baby" jungkook says

"What?!" His father exclaims

"Yes and we are starting a new family and i would like to break ties with this business" jungkook says confidently but I'm also in shock too as this wasn't in the plan.

"You do realise what happens to you if you do break ties though don't you?" His father swirls the wine in his glass before bringing it to his lips

"Yes and i take full responsibility but in return i want something" jungkook says

My heart pounds against my chest as I don't know what jungkook is thinking or doing right now.

"What is it?" He asks

"You leave my girl and the boys also momo out of this as ill also be taking responsibility for them too"

My eyes widen "jungkook no" i plead

His father seems amused through out the whole situation and jungkook gives me a sad smile as he gets up.

"Let's get this over with shall we?" Jungkook says

My heart beats rapidly and i feel light headed, this isnt real please tell me he isnt risking his life...

My breathing becomes heavier and my vision is hazy and keeps going from bright to blank and i try to gasp for breath, jungkook holds me by my arms and whispers "calm down, baby just breathe..." his constant voice in my ear soothes me and i focus on my breathing and do exactly what he says and everything slowly becomes easier for me.

He hugs me close to his chest as i let out chocked sobs, I don't want him to leave.

"Jungkook please don't leave me, i need you"

"Ill be ok, just take care of yourself and our miricle" he says glancing down at you

"Please, i cant, not without you" i say tears streaming down my face 

He cant leave me, not now.....

But he slowly gets up and turns away ready to leave...




Hey guys

Yes its a very short update compared to what I've produced from before 😂 

Yes its a cliffhanger, sorry but it had to be to build up suspense..

He's leaving her...... so sad 😭 

Anyways hope yall enjoyed an update will be coming soon x

Thanks for reading

Until next time

Peaceout ✌️ 

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