Chapter 8 ~ Gone

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Jungkook make you move

Shoutout to Valentina zemlyanaya on YouTube x


Park Haewon POV

I wake up to the sounds of soft snores fanning my face, i open my eyes and let them adjust in the dark room, something heavy rests on my side and i cling onto something warm, i can also hear a faint du dum... du dum... as my head rests on something.

I lift my head up and realise that i was resting my head against jungkooks chest and both our arms wrapped around each other, my cheeks heat up and butterfly's erupt in my stomach as i try untangling my self from him, but as i untangle my arms from him, his grip on me intensifies and he tugs me closer to him, my heart races at the closeness and i notice his eyes are open making mine wide as saucers with embarressment and shock when i realise that he is awake.

"where do you think your going?" his morning voice is slightly deep and sends shivers through me.

"i-i w-was just g-going to give y-you some s-space" i say stuttering my mind going blank

"you dont need to give me space, just stay with me" he says his voice genuine and holds sincerity.

I nod my head and let him hold me, i don't know how long i stay cocooned in his arms for but eventually after feeling like hours have gone by, he finally gets up and out of bed.

I immediately miss his warmth as he leaves and i take that as an excuse to get up, the room is still dark but all of a sudden light floods the room as he draws the curtains back and he sends me a smirk.

why is he smirking for?

I eye him suspiciously and he throws me some clothes that i catch instantly, a hoodie and some sweatpants.

I go over to the en suite, brush my teeth, comb my hair and splash cold water on my face waking me up.

I get changed quickly and i walk out of the en suite to be greeted by an empty bedroom, i guess he has gone somewhere.

I make the bed and tidy up the room a bit, just because my apartment was a trash doesn't mean I shouldn't clean up someone else's room that iv'e used, i do it out of respect and courtesy.

I sit on the bed after tidying the room up a bit and all that plays in my head is jungkook

jungkooks face, his soft features and sharp jawline that intices me

jungkooks smile, that reminds me of a cute bunny erasing the image of a cold blooded assasin and criminal

jungkooks smirks, that makes me go wild

jungkooks chuckles (when he rarely does it), the soft sound sending me through the roof in happiness

jungkooks- i cut my mind off

why am i thinking about him?

my heart beats faster as i remember this morning in bed when he asked me to stay with him.

why does he want to keep me?

why didnt he just stick by the rules and kill me like all the others?

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