Chapter 10~ I can't lose her again...

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Kim Haewon POV

I grab the big cardboard box and hand it over to jungkook who places it in the van, ever since he has come into the house he has been really sweet with me, too sweet and i'm starting to wonder where is the cold and smirky Jungkook, i guess its just freaking me out a bit knowing he can be sweet but i'm not sure if its a facade or if its real.

I think i should just wait and see what happens, if his mood changes i'm definitely labelling him as bipolar...

I slap my hands together "all done, i'm just going to go lock the door, ill be right back" i say to jungkook

He shoots me a smile and says "Ok, i'll wait for you in the van"

I quickly run up and lock the door with the key and then all of a sudden i'm grabbed from behind with a cloth on my face, i inhale and i fall into a pit of darkness.


My eyes flutter open and my head hurts as if someone got a hammer and hit it on my head, my vision focuses and i hear voices around me.

"she's awake" a deep voice says

I look around me and my heart rate quickens, not again...

Why do i always happen to get kidnapped and into trouble all the time?

i look down and i'm tied to a metal chair, my hands are tied behind the chair, i struggle to get my hands free, i huff in defeat.

"who are you?" i ask in fear

"I'm a big man on a mission and ill get what i want when i want, so shut the fuck up and answer my questions bitch!" he yells

i flinch at his tone, his spit flying and attacking my face

"Where is JK's headquarters?" he asks

"who's JK?" i ask bewildered

a hand slaps across my face

"don't act dumb bitch, tell me where it is" he growls

"i don't know what your talking about" i say feeling as though i may burst into tears

No i cant i have to stay strong, i'm a grown ass women!

"Listen up you little whore, i know your Jungkook's slut so tell me where his hideout is and i'll let you free"

So JK is jungkook?

As soon as i hear Jungkook's name something in me snaps, i don't feel like crying anymore and i feel a need to protect him.

I stay quiet, i'm not a snitch and i am loyal, even though Jungkook was my first kidnapper he is nice to me and treated me well, oh hell nah am i giving his hideout to this little fucker...

I'm now Jungkook's responsibility if anything happens to me, i guess the results wont be good for these kidnappers too.

Anger bursts through me, if they want jungkook they will have to go through me

"And what makes you think i will tell you where he is" i snarl at him

"oh whore, you will tell me and if you don't, well lets just say you will die in this cold cell all alone from starvation and torture, how does that sound to you?"

Kidnapped (JJK FF ) #UNIVERSTARAWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now