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Hey yall 

I'm super sorry but this isn't an update but an update is on its way Im halfway through it so yay 😁 

The reason why I'm doing this note is because I just want feedback of this book so I can continue it and I feel as though this book is kind of dragging so I just want to know yall thoughts and which characters you want to see more of. 

Also I have writers block a lot of the time and I'm so confused on what to write and how to make the story flow and more interesting for yall.

I'm so happy that whoever is reading this book enjoys it, I know there is a lot of grammar and punctuation errors I'm really sorry about those and don't worry I know about them but I haven't had a chance to go back and correct them because I usually do edit the whole book once its complete.

If you have any questions or inquiries pleases comment here ->

I also wanted to know your opinion because I'm debating whether I should release a vampire jungkook ff/ werewolf jungkook ff, its just I have a really good story line and I wanted to know if yall are interested in reading something like that ☺️

Thank you sooooooooooo much for all the love and support I get from you all I really do not deserve it x

Some of you have asked for my other social media so here are my social media

Instagram : jeonjungcockthighs

Snapchat:  kookietrash97

Thank you for reading this authors note, I really appreciate it 💕

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