Chapter 6 ~ Momo

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juɴɢkook ⇝ʸᵃʰᵃᵇⁱᵇⁱ ⇜

Shoutout to samira_exo_bts on youtube


I wait patiently as my nerves rack through me, the door opens and Momo walks in. Her hair is up in a ponytail and a worried look is etched onto her face.

She spots me on the bed and walks over sitting beside me. Her big round eyes are filled with sadness, i take her shaking hands in mine.

"hey, whats wrong?" i ask with a small smile on my face

"has he done anything to you?" she asks

"who?, jungkook?" i ask

she nods slowly "no he hasn't layed a finger on me, so dont worry" i say

a tear falls down her face and i reach out to swipe it away before she pushes my hand away

"you should be yelling at me and sceaming at me, why are you being so nice and calm about all this, this is all my fault" she says getting up

i pull her down to sit next to me and i look into her eyes "Its not your fault momo, you haven't done anything wrong"

The last thing i ever want is for Momo to blame herself for something she didn't even do or cause.

"i have, i hid things from you and now your in this situation because of me, if i didnt ask you to get some chips from that damn shop you would never be sat in this horrid place, its all my fault-"

"SHUT UP MOMO!" i yell frustratedly

"if you say its your fault one more time i will get super pissed, it isn't your fault, dont you dare blame yourself, i made the decision of going to buy something so its not your fault besides as long as i'm alive and well you don't have to worry" i say

I dont want her to worry about anything at all, she's my best friend and we are so close were practically sisters and i never want her to ever feel that she is at fault for something she didn't do, the past cant change, whats done is done.

"but your life is ruined now" she says tears streaming down her face

"Momo as long as ive got you, my life will never be ruined" i say hugging her

i let go after a few moments and say "besides jungkook ordered the kidnapping and after thinking about it i realised that if he hadnt been there to kidnap me, somthing worse could have happened to me by those men that raided the shop so in a way im grateful so dont blame yourself for anything about this because its not your fault" 

i give her a big smile and she takes my hand and says "im really sorry that i didnt tell you about jungkook being my step brother" 

"dont worry about it, its a secret i dont expect you to tell me something your not supposed to" i say

she pulls me in for a bonecrushing hug and i sigh into it "were still sisters right?" she says

i chuckle "of course we are"

after talking for a while about pointless things Jungkook slowly enters the room "hey momo?"

"yes" she replies

"jin is looking for you, are you free?" he asks

momo has a blush covering her whole face "er well-" i cut her off

ooh she's blushing!

i take a mental note to ask her about this Jin guy later

"yeah were done" i say

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