Chapter 26 ~ Plan

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Jungkook PoV

I pick the lock with the pin and it opens up, I causiously walk out of the building without being seen.

I get out and into my car and drive off, I ring jimin.

"Come on jimin, pick up the goddamn phone" after a few bells he picks up.

"God damn it where are you hyung?" I ask

"Jungkook don't come to the house let's meet at the safe house"  jimin says

"Ok I'll be there in 15 mins" I say and hang up

This is fucking stressing me out, where the fuck is my girl

After speed driving towards the safe house I see jimin at the door unlocking the front door.

It's a small house that we use in case of any emergencies and it's deep in the woods so no ones around.

I walk into the house after jimin and he closes the door.

"Right I've been knocked out and witnessed the unbelievable that there's a traitor among us and also my girlfriend is nowhere to be seen so what the fuck is going on?" I say pacing the room

"I'm guessing the traitor is Jin hyung?" Jimin says making me halt in my footsteps

"Wait how the fuck do you know?" I say

"Did you really think Jin is a traitor?"jimin says with a smirk

"Wait hold the fuck up... what's going on here?"

"Sit" He says and I sit down and listen attentively to what he has to say

"Do you remember when your dad semi threatened you with killing your chic?"

"Yeah" I say

"That time Jin was just around and came to drop something off and he bombarded him with questions and then wanted to him to be a hitman for him"

"Jin being Jin thought of an idea and decided that if he became the hitman he could easily gain your dads trust and from there he could change her fate" jimin explains

"So... when he ordered Jin to kill her he quickly woke her up packed up her stuff and then took her to a safe place" jimin says

"How do you know all this?" I ask curiously

"He told me in advance and the plan that your dads making" jimin says

I am in deep thought as I wonder why my dad would do this to me and make me miserable.

"So where did Jin take her, I want to see her" I say getting up.

" you can't" he says

"Why not" I growl

"Because if someone follows you to her safe place she will be exposed and in danger" jimin reasons and it makes sense

"So what do we do?" I ask tugging my hair in frustration.

" we have to wait and act dumb and keep giving Jin dirts or else he will know
something is wrong." He says

"Ok I'm fine with that, but for how long" I ask

"How ever long it takes to take down your father for starters" jimin says releasing a whole load of new ideas to work with.

Jin PoV
My phone buzzes in my pocket, "boss I need to take a call I'll be real quick" I say and run out of the room.

I take my phone out and put it against my ear and her her speak

"Is Jungkook ok?" Her worries voice stammers

"Yes don't worry he's fine, he's with jimin right now" I say

"Where are you?" She asks

"I'm with jungkooks dad" I say

"Ok I'll leave you to it but can Jungkook come and see me coz I miss him." I say with a shrug,

"Maybe we'll see but atm stay put and I'll sort something out"

"Ok thanks Jin oppa" She says and then hangs up
Another update
Expect one soon
Thanks for reading
Until next time
Peaceout ✌️

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