Chapter 28 ~ reaction

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Kim haewon POV

As soon as Jin thought I had a chance that I was pregnant he quickly ran to the nearby store and bought a pregnancy test for me to try. I went to the bathroom peed on it and cleaned up after myself before I saw the results.

Tears filled my eyes and I cried out in happiness this is such a blessing, i look in the mirror and see my tear streaked face with a glowing smile lit up on it. I place a hand on my stomach and smile happily, i have a miracle growing inside of me. Jungkook is the father and I'm so happy that it will be him bringing this child up with me.

We will be a family. The smile slowly drops on my face as I begin to worry, oh no what if jungkooks father will kill the baby along with me. No this cannot happen, we wont be safe but jungkook will protect us but he isn't here, a tear rolls down my face as I wonder if well be ok with whatever hectic issues that are going on.

A knock is sounded at the bathroom door, "haewon are you ok in there?" Jin asks concern laced in his tone.

I unlock the door and walk out with the pegnancy test in my hand, "so what's the answer?" Jin says with his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "It's positive, I'm pregnant" I say with a half hearted smile.

He squeals and hugs me out of happiness, "congratulations haewon I'm so happy for you" he pulls away and I try hiding my concerned face but he spots it.

"What's wrong?, did you not want it?" Jin says worriedly 

He sits me down and holds my hand, "haewon please tell me it hurts to see you cry" tears roll down my cheeks and I say "I want it but what about whatever is going on right now, wont it be difficult" I say

Jin sighs and says "Haewon you are one of the brightest girls I know yet you still seem to use only two brain cells instead of the rest of them" he shakes his head in mock pity "of course it will be difficult, that's just life but you have to know one thing" 

"Whats that?" I ask

"That you should enjoy this life as much as you can, life will always throw hurdles at you its just a matter of finding your ways to overcome the battles and win" he says with a small smile.

"But what if jungkook gets hurt" I say panicking 

"Jungkook wont get hurt, he's our golden maknae and if anyone comes in his way he will slaughter them and no one will harm you because he will always be there for you" Jin says

"Thank you Jin oppa"

"Ill always be here for you haewon, your my best friend" he says with a smile

After a nice moment of silence I break it as I sniffle and blow my nose "how is jungkook doing anyway?" 

"He's doing good but I need to ask you something first" he says

I nod my head and he asks "when are you going to plan on telling him?"

My cheeks go red and I wonder what he will think or say...

"I want to tell him as soon as possible, it isn't fair if I know and he doesn't" I say

"That's a good idea" he says "right let me make your appointment at the hospital and then we can make it official"


Jungkook Pov

I sit and stare out of the large building window of my fathers company, its been a week and I cant help but wonder if haewon is alright, what might she be doing?, is she eating well?, is she sleeping well?, is she taking care of herself?... 

In all honesty I want to see her and just wish all this bullshit was over so I can spend time with her as much as I want.

My fathers company is where he gets his legal money from and the mafia side is where he does that as a main job and if income comes in then he can always relay on the legal job that he has.

I was going to inherit the company and also the wide spread gang he has but I'm not sure if I want that anymore. Haewon has been through shit all her life and now my dad wants to murder her just because he thinks she's made me soft but in reality she hasn't made me soft at all, she's torn down my walls of insecurities and she is helping me become a better human instead of the monster that my father has made me to be, she taught me so many things that make me love her so much and I couldn't be more thank ful to her as she has stayed by my side even if I am a murderer. She's seen past my mask of lies and she has made me a stronger person and I'm finally being true to myself after all these years.

Ive always wanted to take revenge but I never knew how much my father has hid from me and on top of that, the fact that he has practically ruined my life by making me a killer. I don't want this life and if my father doesn't understand that then who will.

I watch as the rain falls rapidly and makes the windows wet with droplets covering the whole window, I love watching the rain, its very soothing.

The door to the office opens and in walks my father, "ah jungkook you need to tell your team to search for your girl, if you don't bring her by the end of this week I will definitely kill her if you do bring her then maybe you have a chance" he says 

I nod and walk out of the door closing it behind me and walking down multiple hallways, don't worry haewon ill protect you....always.



Hey yall, just a quick update


UWU I'm so proud I released 2 edits today and an update on this book, people I am on a roll!

Hope you enjoyed it the next chapter will be out soon as I'm planning on making another one today so 😁 

Please do VOTE and COMMENT because I love yall readers but I don't know what yall silent readers think...

Thank yall for reading

I love yall sooooo much you guys are just the stars of my life and I'm so happy and grateful to have yall as my readers

Until next time

Peace out ✌️ 

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