Chapter 11 ~ whats wrong?

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3 weeks later
Kim Haewon POV
Since Jungkook brought me home he's been quiet, too silent. At first I was in his bedroom like usual but then taehyung came in the room and told me that Jungkook wants me moved to a new bedroom I was a bit shocked but I was almost against the idea of it because I was used to jungkooks company nevertheless I moved out and into the new bedroom.

I became very ill, I couldn't eat well if I did, I would vomit it all out and I had a high fever. I was worried, not for my health but for Jungkook. I hadn't seen him in 3 weeks, whenever I called for him they said he was either busy or he was out and I haven't seen him since the day he saved me. It got me wondering whether if I did something wrong to upset him, I questioned myself day in and day out whether I hurt him or offended him in a way where he now doesn't have time to see me anymore.

I became even more ill and everyone got worried for my health but I told them it would pass. I was more worried about Jungkook than I was about my health and I became stressed out and bothered so I set my mind to get better first. Jin made porridge for me daily and gave me my medication. He nursed me a lot and so did Momo. All the guys took turns keeping a look out for me except Jungkook and soon I was getting better and better. The boys became more comfortable around me and they weren't cold like they were before but rather warm and sweet. Jimin and yoongi oppa both apologised for their behaviour with me too and explained it was just to scare me but they do act like that in real life as that is how their nature seems at times but I don't blame them at all because it's a job they were following.

Most of my days consisted of me lying in bed, getting lots of rest and getting nursed with wet towels as my fever was too high but now I am in a much better condition.
I get up from my bed and stretch my arms and legs that are stiff from sleeping for so long. I slip on my house slippers and shrug on my hoodie that is sprawled at the end on my bed.
I walk to the en suite and brush my teeth and run a brush through my hair and tie it up in a ponytail.
I put my hood up and push my fringe behind my ear.
I walk out of the bedroom and walk downstairs. I'm now free to walk around the house and do whatever I want but I'm not allowed to leave the house unless I have Jungkooks permission.
I greet Jin whose back faces me as he cooks something on the stove "good morning Jin oppa"
He turns his head round to take a glimpse of me and he shoots me a smile. "Your finally awake sleepy head, how are you feeling?" He asks
" I feel better thanks oppa" I say kindly
"It's fine, do you want to eat breakfast?" He asks
"I'll just eat an apple, but thank you anyway Jin oppa"
"Are you dieting?" He asks
"No" I say
"yeah sure that's what all girls say" he says not convinced with mocking enthusiasm .
I pick up the shiny glazed coated apple, wash it under the tap and then sink my teeth into it.
I sit in a chair as i munch my apple, "where's everyone today?" I ask Jin as I spin a little on the chair
"Jungkook and yoongi are sleeping and the rest have gone out" he says
"Are you making breakfast for yourself?" I ask
"For Jungkook actually he's not eating properly" he says with a sad shake of his head
"I'll take the food up to him" I volunteer
"Are you sure haewon?" Jin asks unsure
Over the period of them all looking after me I have been extremely close to Jin and jimin.
Jin understands that I think jungkooks mood is off with me and we're trying to figure out why
No one knows why jungkook is acting weird and it's not just me who thinks it Jin and Jimin also believe he is acting weird and not to them but just to me.
It's quite strange and frustrating because he avoids me at all costs I've not seen him other than twice in these 3 weeks and he had become very strange so I want to confront him today.
"Yes I'm sure, I want to confront him today" I say
"Do you need back up or me to be there?" He asks concerned
"No it's ok don't worry I'm sure Jungkook won't harm me" I say
Jin nods his head and hands me the tray of food
I picked the tray of breakfast that Jin oppa prepared and I take it up the flight of stairs without difficulty.
I knock on his door and a grunt is sounded from the other side of the door, I hear shuffling and then the handle and the door is pulled open.
It's been so long since I've seen him and he doesn't look like he is in good shape.
His hair is ruffled and messy and his top and pants have creases in the that show as if he has been rolling around in them clothes. His eyes are puffy and red, has he been crying.
His eyes lock with mine and they are cold and I can't seem to understand where the warm jungkook is. I can't seem to find him in those cold eyes of his that sends shivers through.
He takes the tray and doesn't speak, tears well up in my eyes and I wonder what I've done wrong.
"whats wrong?"
"none of your business" he says and harshly closes the door on my face and tears streak down my face.
I lean my back against the door and slide down I hug my knees as silent tears fall down my face.
What's happened to jungkook?
Why does he seem so cold?
I bury my face in my arms and cry silently.
I don't want him to know I've been crying so I do it endlessly and I don't even realise how long I've sat outside his door because I end up falling asleep.
Jungkook POV
I didn't expect to see Haewon at the door, she's my weakness I need her to stay away from me I can't have her near me she will end up getting hurt I don't her to know who I am.
She will be shocked because when we were kids I was there for her when she needed someone the most and I don't want her to know that little boy that helped her all those years ago is now a cold ruthless murderer.
I pull at my hair in frustration as I tears stream down my face. The only girl I know and trusted is now hurt because if me the memory of her shocked and hurt and confused face flashes in my mind. I've hurt her and she doesn't even have an explanation.
I'm torn in between of telling her and not telling her because I don't know how she would react and I wouldn't want her to ruin the image of me when we were kids.
I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling hard,as if it will give me the answers I need but it stares blankly back at me.
I've been so tempted to tell her but I remind myself its for the best.

Hey guys
This update is pretty short I know but it will get better and updates will be more frequent too which Is good news👌
The bad news is that I have crap loads if stuff to revise for but cba cuz I'm writing this rn and I seriously don't even care 😂
Hope you guys have a nice day or night x
I love y'all 😘
Peace out ✌️

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