Chapter 21

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Kim Haewon POV
My eyes flutter open and I squint slightly with a small smile and I reach over to hug Jungkook but I feel the body again and feel slightly confused, his smell is different too wait this isn't Jungkook. I open my eyes wide and see momo with a big smirk "morning sleepyhead, I'm glad you know I'm not Jungkook now" she says and I roll my eyes and sit up.

"Where is he and why are you here?" I say getting up slowly

"Ouch that hurt" she says placing a hand above her heart

"I didn't mean it like that"

"No I see how it is, you've replaced me with my brother" she says and I'm about to protest when the door opens and jungkook comes in with wet hair and a white top that hugs his biceps and torso. I undress him with my eyes and my smile has already lit up on my face.

He stands before me and engulfs me in a hug, I inhale his scent and feel calm and at peace.

I look into his eyes and he pecks my lips "did you look after her momo?" He asks

"Yeah she just woke up, she's replaced me with you to be honest"

"Momo-" I begin but she cuts me off with "don't lie to me, I'm leaving" she says with a fake sniffle and she leaves

"What a drama queen" Jungkook says with an eye roll

"Don't be like that" I say smacking his chest but he pulls me closer by the waist.

"Not my fault she's jealous" he mumbles

"Technically it is" I say with a grin and I move a bit of his soft damp hair to the side and I end up playing with it.

I'm too focused on his hair that I don't notice Jungkook leaning in, he plants a kiss on my lips and I pull his head closer and kiss him back it's slow and passionate, not rushed.

I smile into the kiss and then push away slightly "I need to go to the toilet, I'll be back though" I say with a grin

"Go on I'm waiting" He says and I quickly waddle towards the toilet.

Once I'm done I get out and see Jungkook pacing the room, "hey is everything ok?" I ask

He looks over at me and he smiles and strokes the top of my head as I'm sat on the bed "yeah it will be ok"

"What's wrong?" I ask concerned and I hold his hand in mine

"We've got new leads that's all" he says searching my face

"In times like this I feel horrible" I say looking down at our hands

"What do you mean?" He says with concern laced in his tone

"I want to help you and try something instead of sitting here like a potato doing nothing" I say sadly

"Hey look at me" He says and I don't I continue to looking at our intertwined hands

"Look at me" he say and lifts my chin up and I am at eye level with him.

"You are helping me more than you can imagine" he says

"Your just saying that because I feel like shit" I say

"No I'm not, I'm being serious, if you weren't here and I would be alone right now stressed out pulling my hair or taking my anger out through punching things and people but you being here makes that whole difference when I'm with you I feel calm you make me feel calm and I feel as though I can confide my self with you instead of bottling everything up so I'm not just saying that to make you feel better than shit because that ain't the case here" he says "your everything I need"

A tear rolls down my cheek and I give him a smile.

"Are gonna confide in me then or are you gonna leave me in the dark?" I say with a tear streaked smile.

"I'm going to confide with you, I always will do" He says and I give him a grin

"Ok" I say and I kiss his soft lips and he pulls me towards him and deepens the kiss.


"So let me get this straight it's been a repetitive revenge thing and you killing the one that killed your mother will be another dead body added on the list?" I say after Jungkook explaining the whole situation after our heated make out session... no regrets

"Yes that is the case here" he says with a sigh

"What's your plan?" I ask intrigued

"I don't know"

I nearly facepalm but I stop my hand from rising...

"Ok let me rephrase that, do you want to get revenge?" I ask

"Well a part of me wants to kill them for killing my mother but another part just tells me to drop it" He says tiredly

I sit back and think collectively and after a while of thoughts Jungkook snaps me out of my daze

"What are you thinking of?" He asks

"Well it's just my opinion but if this revenge thing happens and you do kill your mothers killer someone will pick up the bits and pieces and will come after you the same way you did for your mother and it will become a never ending cycle but to break that cycle will be hard because your ego will talk you into doing it but someone will have to stop eventually or there won't be anyone left to kill and all that will be left is dead bodies and regret but this is just my opinion anyway" I say sitting back Jungkook hands included with mine he runs circles at the back of my hand as he is in deep thought.

"That's also true"

"Just think if your mother was here what would she say" I say

"She would just say life goes on but I will always stay with you in your heart" he says "She said the same thing like that when my grandad passed away"

"Just reconsider and maybe talk to your dad too about all this too" I say

" yeah I'll have to" He says

"What will he say?" I ask

"I don't know" he says

I hope all goes well for him last thing we need is his dad to go nuts...

Hey y'all
Hope you enjoyed the update I'll try uploading another soon but no promises 😂
I'll try the best I can
Thank y'all for reading
Ilysm 🥺🙏💜💕
Until next time
Peaceout ✌️

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