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Hey everyone!!

Im back with a twistingly awsome new book filled with so many idea's...

This book is a Jungkook Fanfiction and it truly is 21+

Unlike Teaser ( JJK FF 21+)  (one of my other Jungkook FF's) its not the typical romance to the limit book because this book is more on the hardcore dark and mysterious side, it will contain a lot of action and it is based on how they both fall for one another in the darkest of times...

I'm super excited to write this up because iv'e always wanted to write an action filled book with some romance but iv'e never gotten round to writing it up, but seen as though Teaser (JJK FF 21+) is slowly coming to an end, i cant help but want to begin my new Jungkook ff that iv'e been wanting to create for a long time now :)

PRE-WARNING MFS THIS BOOK IS FILLED WITH GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, ILL BE FIXING THEM UP BECAUSE IVE NOW COMPLETED THE BOOK BUT LIKE SERIOUSLY PLS DONT PISS ME OFF IF YOU FOUND A SPELLING MISTAKE AND MAKE JOKES, THERES A MF'ING LIMIT thats all i needed to put in cuz istg it's annoying when 10 different ppl spot out the same mistake like dude/dudette dw ill fix it just not yet jeez aNYGAYS ONTO the terms and conditions...

If your not pLeasED WITH grammatical errors by all means you can leave xx

Some terms and conditions...


This book is 21+, i'm warning you now this book has some kinky ass shit in here also there may be a use of vulgar language that is used in this book, so please be aware of that...


This book is MY book so please do NOT COPY or SHARE my works as this is strictly mine, copywriting is very mean and is very bad so in the nicest way possible DONT FUDGING USE, SHARE OR COPY MY STUFF! ehem *cough* furthermore....

posting the copyrighted works of others without their legal consent is strictly prohibited. This applies to all stories, images, and media.Posting on behalf of an author and giving credit to them is still a violation of copyright. Consent is always required from the author.Adaptations or slight alterations to a work, such as changing names, are a violation of copyright.Any works posted in violation of these rights will be promptly removed and multiple violations may result in immediate account closure. 


If you dislike colourful vocabulary ie vulgar language then this book doesnt suit you, you can make your way out of this book... *points to the door*...

this book isnt filled with vulgar language however its is used when it needs to be, by the characters of course ^-^


This Book is a mature book so...Mature stories are intended for an audience that is 17 and up, it may contain the following...

An explicit sex scene (R-rated)Self-harm themes or scenes (including suicide and eating disorders)Graphic depictions of violence

so if you have virgin eyes then avert them *puh-leaaasssee*

If you still want to read the book and want to avoid these types of scenes then i shall put a * (astroid) when it is needed...


I really do not allow cyber-bullying, hate or discrimination so if you have nothing nice to comment i.e by hating, don't comment anything offensive at all, it is very mean.

If it does come to that stage i will delete your comment and report you, simple really...

okay i think that's all for now :)

Book description

19 year old lives a peaceful life with no disruptions... as if... pfffttt* This 19 yr old girl Kim Hae-won spends her days trying to make a living out of her life, she overworks herself too much and everything has a limit...

one day she takes a break from her mind boggling work and she ends up at the wrong place at the wrong time, her life is flipped upside down in nanoseconds....

she is kidnapped....

her kidnapper you ask....Jeon Jungkook

Jeon Jungkook is 20 yr old trained assassin, he has a dark past and it reflects on his present but at the end of the day, that's part of his job contract... 

No one knows why he kidnaps her and only he knows the reason...

They both fall into deep waters and have a twisting tale of love that happens at the most darkest part of their lives yet...

This book is coming soon....

Kidnapped (JJK FF ) #UNIVERSTARAWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now