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"Good morning. I trust you all had a good lunch break. Welcome to Algebra 101. I am Mr. Thapoon. We will be together for the whole year. As you can tell from my graying hair, I have been teaching for quite a few years now, and have seen everything a student can and have done. I know you've heard that I am a terror and my exams are difficult, don't believe everything you hear. That's not to say that your exams would not be difficult, they will be, but only to those that do not pay attention. As for the terror part, let's say I bribe the seniors to say that. *wink* This morning, I will be calling your name where you will stand and give a brief introduction. I know, I know, you've done introductions for hours this morning. You can do introductions however you want for this class. Keep it clean guys. OK, everybody up from your chairs. Stand at the back of the room and when I call your name, a brief introduction then sit from the first sit and then in order. That seat will be your assigned seat for my class. 'Aw... Mr. Thapoon why do I have to change seats?' Yes, I can also read minds. This is so you won't have to look and talk to the same people all day. Get to know each other. Breathe new air, etc. Let's start."

Krist was nervous with this sudden change in sitting arrangement. He was already comfortable in his corner, sitting beside his new friend Nammon. He told himself, Change is good.

"Next, lucky seat number 23, Perawat Sangpotirat."

"Um... Hi... Hello... My Name is Perawat Sangpotirat but please call me Krist. I'm new to the school, transferred from Bastrimoon High school, it's a small high school in Shuri Village. Nice to meet you all and I hope we become friends." Krist let out a huge breath and started to move towards his chair.

"Woah. Woah, Woah. Not so fast there Krist."Krist stopped in his tracks. "You can't get away that easily." The teacher said. "Tell us a little something about yourself."

"Um. Ok. Um.... I'm... 13 years old."

"You're 13? I think you're younger than most here. Am I right?" Mr. Thapoon asked the class. "How old are you guys?" To this the teacher received responses of 14s and some 15s. "So most are 14 years old. And you're 13 years old Krist?"

"Well Sir, I skipped a year in elementary."

"Interesting. Any hobbies? Since you're new to the school, I think your classmates would like to know more about you."

"Ah... I play the guitar, some piano and the drums."

"A one man band, I like it! Don't tell me you also sing?"

"Chai Krap."

"Great! So if you guys need someone to perform," the teacher addressed the class, "Krist is your guy. Thanks Krist. You can go take a seat now. Next, Prachaya Ruangroj."

"Sawadee krap. My name is Prachaya Ruangroj or Singto. I've been going to this school since 1st grade," faces Krist "don't worry Krist I'll be a good seatmate." Then faces the class "I play basketball, volleyball and football, though I'm not joining the school team this year. I think I'll participate in class activities rather than join the varsity teams this year."

Mr. Thapoon nodded. "Singto. Hello. I've heard good things about you from the elementary school teachers. The varsity team will surely miss you this year. Good to hear you will be closer to your classmates though. Please take your seat at the end of the row beside Krist there. Next we have..."

Singto made his way to the end of the row and immediately turned to Krist. "Hi! I'm Singto. Nice to meet you."

"Sawadee krap P'Singto. Nice to meet you too. Please take care of me."

"Sure Nong. Whatever you need, just tell me. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask."

"Korp koon krap."

With Algebra 101 class finished, all the students went back to their original seats.

Singto went back to his chair and got his bag then told his friends. "Hey guys, I'll sit with Krist ok?" He walked to where Krist was sitting, at the corner of the room. "Aw, Nammon, you're sitting here?"

"Singto! How was your vacation? Yes. You want to change seats?"

"Would you mind if I sit here? Summer was great! I got to join the basketball clinic at the Raven National team's gym. I was thinking you'd join but you weren't there. I went with Newwie and Captain."

"I wanted to join you guys but my mom brought me to visit my gramps for the summer. Yeah sure, seat's all yours." He turned to Krist, "Sorry Nong Krist, I'll leave you now. We can have lunch tomorrow. I'll sit over there with the guys." Points to Newwie and the rest, then to Singto he said, "All yours bro."

"Thanks Nammon."

Krist was watching the interaction, feeling like an outsider while the two friends caught up.

"Hi! Remember me?" Singto said, smiling at Krist.

"Of course P' we talked like a few minutes ago. You're sitting here?"

"If you don't mind, yes. I said I'd take care of you right?

"Aw P'. You don't have to sit with me. You can sit with your friends, I'm ok."

"Nah! See," points to Nammon and the guys, "they've forgotten me already. Who will seat with me now if you don't want me beside you?" Singto smiled his most charming smile.

"Um..." at a loss for words, Krist nodded his head. What was that?

For the rest of the day, Singto made small talk with Krist. They talked about the school, his friends, their classmates, the neighbourhood and a bit about themselves. When the last bell rang, signalling the end of classes, Krist was a little sad to say goodbye to his P'. "P'Singto? Will you be sitting with me again tomorrow?"

"Of course! You don't want me to?

"Of course I want you to P'. Just checking. I'll go ahead P'. P'Nammon offered to walk with me today. His house is the same direction as mine. Sawadee P'."

"Sawadee Nong."    

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