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The afternoon after the exam results...


K: Hello.

S: You didn't text me.

K: Oh! I forgot. Sorry P'.

S: It's OK Nong. Don't forget to text next time. How are your scores?

K: Oh! I passed P'! All my scores are good! I even passed History! Haha!

S: That's great!

K: What's my reward P'?

S: Reward? Who said anything about a reward?

K: Aw! P'! I worked hard on my tests!

S: Yeah. OK. What are you doing tomorrow?

K: Tomorrow?

S: Yeah. Tomorrow. Saturday.

K: Nothing. I was thinking of sleeping the whole day.

S: You're not sleeping the whole day tomorrow Krist.

K: What are you talking about?

S: You're not sleeping in, you're going out with me tomorrow.

K: I'm going out with you tomorrow P'?

S: Yes we're going out tomorrow.

K: But P'! I want to sleep.

S: I thought you wanted a reward?

K: You're treating me out tomorrow P'? That's my reward?

S: Yeah. Anything you want to do tomorrow?

K: Alright! How about a lunch? Then let's watch that new movie. Then let's eat icecream and cakes. Then that new japanese restaurant for dinner. Then let's go the new cafè after.

S: Haha! Is that all you want to do tomorrow?

K: Yeah P! Oh! And buy me the new manga that was released last week.

S: OK. OK. That's all?

K: Yeah. For now.

Singto can hear the excitement from Krist's voice. It brought a smile on his.

S: I'm picking you up at 10 am.

K: Aaawwww P'Sing... too early! I need my beauty sleep.

S: You don't need it. Plus there's a lot of things you want to do tomorrow. If we go out too late, we won't finish your list.

K: Fine. 10 am.

S: Great! It's a date.

Singto hung up.

K: A date? P'?! Hello? Hello?

A date? With P'Sing? A date?! I'm so not ready for this.

Krist couldn't sleep. He can't stop thinking about the 'date'. What did Singto mean by 'It's a date'? Did he mean a date as in tomorrow's schedule? Or did he mean a date 'date'? These were the questions on Krist's head. He was stressing about the date tomorrow. What should he wear? Should he dress up? Go for super casual? Singto has seen Krist out uniform only a few times, they've always been in uniform. Krist fell asleep later than normal, hence he woke up late.

Krist woke with a start, looked at the clock and shot upright. 10:45. He was in a state of panic. Singto has always been on time, he on the other hand, if not for school, is always late. He was determined to be on time today.

The clock read 11 am. Krist was feeling good as he was climbing down the stairs. He went to the dining room for a quick breakfast and stopped in his tracks. Singto was seated at their dining table, eating breakfast and chatting with his Mae.

"Oh good morning dear. Have some breakfast." His Mae invited.

"Good morning Mae." He went to kiss his Mae, looking at Singto all the while.

"P'Sing. You're early!"

"Is he dear? He came at 10:30."

"Aw... Mae, you should have woken me up."

"I wanted to but Singto here said to let you sleep. So sweet."

"Isn't he?" Krist answered his Mae while still looking at Singto with his eyebrow raised.

Singto just smiled his usual charming smile. Krist was stunned, as usual he had to mentally shake himself to get back on topic.

"Mae, I'll just grab a bite then we have to go."

"Ok dear. Singto, more juice."

"I'm good, thank you Mrs. Sangpotirat. Breakfast was great."

"You're welcome dear. You can come to breakfast anytime, even if sleepyhead over here is still in bed. We can entertain ourselves, I'll show you Krist's nursery pictures. This boy was so cute."

"He still is Ma'am." Singto with his smile again.

"Well you're right. He is a cute boy."

"Mae....." Krist pouted. "Let's go P'."

"Thank you again for breakfast Mrs. Sangpotirat." Singto stood.

"Such a charmer. It's tiring calling me Mrs. Sangpotirat every time. Just call me Mae."

Singto stood up and wai-ed. "Sawadee Khap, Mae."

"Mae, we're going now. I might be a bit late coming home. Love you, bye!" Krist bid his Mae goodbye with a kiss.

"Your mom is sweet." Singto said as they were walking out of the house.

"P', you're early!"

"I'm always early."

"I was rushing to be on time but you were already there, finished with breakfast!"

"You woke up late didn't you?" Singto teased while pinching Krist's cheek.

"Ouch! P'! Stop!"

"You should have woken up earlier if you wanted to be earlier than me."

"But I wasn't able to sleep well last night. I couldn't fall asleep."

"Aw. Why?"

"Hmp! Because of you." Krist whispered to himself.

"What was that?"

"I said I don't know."

"Next time call me if you can't fall asleep."

"Why would I do that P'?"

"So you have someone to keep you company."

"But if I called you then you won't sleep either."

Singto opened his car door for Krist. "I can always sleep with you. That way you won't be alone and I can sleep." He said as Krist was sitting down.

Krist almost fell out of the passenger side when he heard Singto's answer. He was thinking of a reply when Singto closed his door. WHAT?!

"So," Singto asked as he was starting the car. He turned to Krist then continued "where do you want to go?"

Krist was sure his cheeks were red from Singto's earlier words. He took a deep breath and answered his P', giving directions as they went.

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