When It Rains, It Pours

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He was numb. What happened? Singto asked himself. "What did I do?" He whispered, looking at his hands. He touched his lips where he can still feel Krist's kiss. He seemed to wake up from a dreamless sleep, shaking his head. He looked to the now closed door, "Kit. Kit!" He shouted. His feet that were rooted on the spot were now walking, running, he didn't know where. All he knew was This is where Kit was. He ran to the lobby, out the door into the pouring rain. He saw Krist ride a taxi and drive off. 

"KIT! KIT!" Singto Ran full out, hoping against hope that the taxi will stop and he can talk to Krist. The taxi drove on, gaining speed. Singto stopped running. "KRIIISSST!!!!" He can all but shout at the speeding taxi. 

Singto walked back to his apartment, he was dripping wet again, only this time, he didn't care if he got his floor wet, if he caught a cold or got sick. He felt numb. His heart was broken, hollow. Singto made his way to the kitchen, opened the fridge and got out a bottle of water. 

"Singto?" Ping asked. "You're all wet. Here." She took a towel draped on the chair and started wiping first Singto's chest, then his arms, his hair. Singto did not turn around. He continued to face the open fridge, bottle of water forgotten.

"Hey, are you OK?" Ping held Singto's face, lifting it to look into his eyes. "Hey." She said, moving closer. "It's OK. I'm here." Ping began hugging Singto. 

Singto had no response. He was staring out the window to the rain spatter. That's how I feel. He thought. Like the rain trying to come inside, left to fight it's way in.

Ping began kissing Singto's shoulder, his neck then pulled to kiss his lips. This woke him up. He caught Ping's wrists in his hands. "What are you doing?" He said, no emotion on his voice.

"Singto, I..." He looked down at Ping. She was still wrapped in the towel Krist saw her in, hair drying in curls around her face, eyes inviting, lips soft. She tried to move in again for a kiss. 

"No." Singto flung her away, in the direction of the couch. Ping fell on the couch. She tried to cover her legs that were showing from the gap on her towel. "What? Did you plan this? Did you know who was on the other side of the door when you opened it dressed in a towel?" Singto turned around. Disgusted. "Did you think I'd give in and choose you?" Singto smirked. "Huh. did you think I was that easily swayed?" Singto walked towards the small kitchen, putting as much distance between him and Ping, as much as the small apartment would allow. 

"You knew I had a boyfriend! You knew I love him! You knew and still you did this!"

"Oh, don't tell me you didn't feel the same Singto! What? Are you a saint?" Ping stood, fixing the towel, securing it tightly. "Don't tell me you were not tempted!" 

"I. WAS. NOT! I have a boyfriend for crying out loud! Get it through your head! I have a BOYFRIEND!" Singto turned around and slapped the refrigerator door. "Damn it Ping!" 

"I thought you were just going through a phase. I thought if you had a woman, if you had me, you'd change your mind. You can have me Sing."

"I don't." 

"What?" Ping answered on a gasp.

"I don't want you Ping. I never have. I want Krist. Only Krist. I've wanted him for 8 years. I still want him and I would the next day, and the next, and the next and the next. Do you understand? I want only him." 


"Just, leave." Singto realized Ping still had to dress. 

"No, I'll leave. There's a fresh change of clothes on the bed, get changed and go. I just., I can't be around you." 

Singto walked to the door, not looking at Ping. "I can't work with you anymore Ping." He said, facing the door. "I'll finish the project, don't bother with it. Email me all that you have on it. I'll submit a perfect project with both our names on it, don't worry. I just can't look at you anymore." He opened the door and said "Lock the door when you leave, or not. I don't care anymore." He walked out.

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