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Krist decided to send a message to Singto that night. They were scheduled to video call at 8:00 pm and it was now 8:45 pm, no sign of Singto.

Hi P'Sing. Haven't heard from you in three days. How are you? You must be busy. Don't forget to eat your meals on time. Don't over work yourself. Rest well P'. I miss you.

Krist waited for an hour, maybe his P' is just busy and would find time to respond tonight. He resigned himself to sleep at about 10:00 pm, he had an early morning class and he had to go to sleep.

Hi Kit! Sorry I missed your message. I'm super busy now that finals is just around the corner. Sorry I haven't been calling you. I know I promised but it's really hectic here. I'll call you tomorrow. Let me know any time if you're free. Goodnight Kit. I miss you.

Krist woke up and read Singto's message. He had an extra spring to his step, now that he heard from his P'. He was excited and wanted the classes to be finished so he could talk to Singto.

He sent a good morning message saying he had class and would be free in about 4 hours. He can't wait for lunch time to come so he can talk to his P'Singto.


"Woah Krist, tone it down. Volume."

"Oops, sorry. I'm just so excitred. P'Sing finally replied!"

"What did he say?"

"He's been busy and he's sorry and we'll talk later at lunch." Krist smiled broadly as he was talking to Gun.

"You'll scare people with that smile!" gun replied with a smile of his own. "I don't know why but I'm happy for you, as if you won the lottery! Haha!"

"I feel like I did! Haha!"

"Wow, from just the prospect of a phone call! What more if he proposed!"

"P'! Don't say that! I might just hyperventilate!"

"OK, OK. Calm down Krist. Here comes the professor."

Krist forced himself to calm down and pay attention in class. His mind kept drifting to Singto and how much he missed the older man. I hope he misses me too!

Krist sent a message to Singto just as the professor for the class was wrapping up. This was their last class before lunch and he can finally talk to Singto.

Krist and Gun proceeded to the cafeteria for lunch. Krist hurried through lunch and excused himself to stay by the benches at the university grounds to wait for Singto. He had an hour and a half free time before the next class. He kept looking at his watch, counting down minutes. Singto called some 20 minutes later, obviously out of breath.

S: Hi Kit! I missed you! You miss me?

K: Do you have to ask P'?

S: Just checking. *wink*

K: Whatever P'. (Krist stuck out his tongue.)

S: *oof* Not fair Krist! Too cute!

K: Hehe... how are you P'? We haven't talked since Sunday. I thought you forgot about me! *pout*

S: Stop being cute Krist!

K: What?! I'm not doing anything!

S: Hmp! Anyway, sorry. I've been pretty busy here. Finals, projects, after school classes and all. It's a struggle juggling it all.

K: It's OK P'. I understand. It's expected that it'll be hard studying there. Just take your time P'. Don't mind me much.

S: But Kit, I haven't talked to you in a few days and it's making me crazy!

K: Well P', it'll be just another 3 months and you're done there, right?

S: Yeah. (smiles)

K: So P', how are the girls there?

S: Huh? Girls? What do you mean?

K: I mean, is there anyone you like there? Or someone that likes you? (Krist forced himself to ask.)

S: Huh? No! Of course not! And besides, my heart's in Bangkok! *wink*

K: Aww P', you're the one not being fair!

S: I can't wait to come home! Argh!

K: P', three months!

S: Yeah, yeah. Three months! How much time do you have? And where are you?

K: Oh, I'm sitting at one of the benches outside. There were too many people in the rooms and cafeteria, so I'm staying here. I have about... (looks at his watch) 40 minutes more until my next class.

S: Oh good! I'm between classes too. The professor will be late so I can talk for a bit.

"Siiing! Can you help me with this calculation?"

K: Who's that P'?

S: Oh, a classmate. Denise.

K: And?

S: And what?

K: Nothing. Shouldn't you go help her P'?

S: Nah. She can wait.

"Singtooo. Come help." The girl, Denise came near Singto, hand on Singto's shoulder. Denise had long curled hair, pouty lips and brown eyes. She clearly wanted Singto's attention, her hand staying on Singto's shoulder for a long time.

Singto didn't bother to remove Denise' hand, instead, he smiled sweetly while replying "I'm in the middle of a call. Can you wait for me to finish?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you had a call. Hello there!" Denise peeked at Singto's phone then waved at Krist.

"Kit, Denise, Denise, Krist."

Denise smiled sweetly at Krist but the moment Singto turned around, rolled her eyes. Immediate dislike is what Krist felt.

K: P', you better go now. Help your classmates. I'm late for class.

S: I thought you had like 40 minutes...

Singto didn't get the chance to finish his sentence, Krist already ended the call. He tried calling back but he could not get through. He sent a message saying:

Hey Kit, the call must've been cut off, trying to call you back, I can't get through. Anyway, call you tonight, OK? Talk to you later! I miss you!

Who was that? Why is her hand on P'Singto's shoulder? And he didn't even remove the hand! Why did he smile like that?! All sweet and nice! Ugh!

Krist was sulking, not looking where he was going. He bumped into someone and dropped his books.

"Ugh! Sorry. I wasn't looking." Krist apologized, still not looking up.

"Don't worry about it." The guy helped Krist pick up his stuff and handed them back.

Krist finally straightened and looked up. Then looked up some more. Wow he's tall.

"Hey are you OK?" the guy asked.

"Yeah, sorry, I wasn't looking. Are you OK."

"Yeah. Here are your books."

"Thanks. Bye!" Krist hurried to his classroom, thinking he'll be late.

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