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"Krist, have you seen Gun?"

"Oh hey P'Newwiee! Nope. Not yet. We don't have morning classes together this semester."

"Oh. Yeah, that's right! You don't know where he is?"

"No. He hasn't texted yet. Why? What's up P'?"

"Nothing really, I just have to ask him something."

"What is it? Can I help?"

"Um, I don't know. Maybe."

"What's it about? If it's math, you're better at that than I am."

"No. Nothing to do with math. Far from it."

"OK, then what is it?"

"I don't know..."

"Oh come on P'Newwiee! Maybe I can help! If I can't, I'll help you find P'Gun. Wait. Why didn't you ask P'Singto?"

"Oh believe me, that guy can't help me. If it's not about you? He doesn't have anything to say. Plus, I don't trust him with this."

"Oh. Then what about me? Try me P'."

"Well OK. See, there's this girl..."

"Ah, a girl..."

"You know what, no. I won't tell you."

"Aw. P', I was just kidding. Continue. I may know a lot more that you think I do."

"Oh-kay... So this girl, from the Business College. I kind of want to ask her out."

"Then ask her out. What's the problem? I've seen you do it a hundred times."

"Well, it's easier said than done."

"Why? Who is this girl? Is she from our year?"

"Yeah, from our year. It's Neen."

"Oh yeah! I know her!"

"You do?"

"Yeah. She's in my elective class. Remember that class I didn't take last year? Business Math? She's in that class too!"


"Yes P'. She seems nice. What's the problem?"

"Well, it's embarrassing."

"What is it P'? You can tell me. I promise I won't laugh."

"Ican'ttalktoher." New said in one breath.

"What was that?"

"I said I can't talk to her?"

"What? Why?"

"I sort of get tongue-tied around her."

"What? P'? Seriously?"

"Yes. I don't know what to do."

"Plus she's never alone so I can't approach her, I'll end up making a fool of myself."

"I see your problem. She does have friends around all the time. I hear she's popular P'."

"Yeah. That's the other thing. A lot of guys hang around her. How can I compete if I can't even talk straight around her?"

"Hmm... That is a problem."

"Why don't you practice with me P'? That way you won't have to stress about thinking on the spot. Some basic introduction and all that."

"Hey! That's a good idea!"

They thought of a few scenarios of chance meetings and dialogues that would be basic as a starting point, going so far as to do a role play. The two laughed while doing this.

Krist was secretly hoping his P'Newwiee can pull it off when the time comes. After all the help he and his P'Singto got from New, it's about time he had his own love story.

Before they knew it, break time was over and they had their last period to attend to.

New said his goodbyes to Krist, and went back to his college.

It was by coincidence that Krist's last class that day was Business Math. I completely forgot, P'Newwie should have stuck around!

"Hey, Krist?"

"Oh hi Neen! What's up?"

Neen approached Krist as soon as their last class ended. "Was that New I saw you talking to earlier?"

"Yes. Why?"

"You seem pretty close."

"Yeah, we are."

"How close? I thought you had a fan."

"Huh? Yeah."

"But I saw you hugging earlier. Are you and New..."

"Are you and New what?" Said a voice from behind Krist.

"Oh, hi P'Sing!"

Singto bent to kiss Krist's cheek. "What's with you and New?"

"Oh nothing P'. P'Newwiee came to see P'Gun earlier but he wasn't here so he talked to me."

"I thought I was your one and only? Why were you hugging New?"

"P'! Stop it!"

"Krist?" Neen piped in.

"Oh yeah, right. Neen, this is P'Singto. P'Sing, this is Neen. She's my classmate." Krist leaned towards Singto to whisper loudly. "I think she liked P'Newwiee."

"Krist! I... um..." Neen looked ready to bolt.

"Oh Neen, P'Sing here is my fan. So no need to worry about P'Newwiee and me."

"Sawadee krap. Wait, you're Neen from the Business Faculty?" Singto asked Neen.

"Sawadee kha. Yes, why?"

"Um, no reason. Would you excuse me." Singto said to Neen. "Kit, I'll just make a call."

"OK P'. As I was saying, Neen, no need to worry, P'Newwiee is single. I can introduce you two, if you want."

Neen blushed at this.

S: Dude. You're bever gonna guess where I am.
New: Oh and hello to you too. I swear we were raught to answer the phone with 'hello'
S: Yeah yeah. Hello. Now, as I was saying...
New: I happen to know exactly where you are. As last period just ended and you left in a hurry, I'm sure you're at Econ now, with Krist.
S: Well yeah. But man, you have to get your butt here.
New: And why will I do that, when you're all the way across campus?
S: You have your bike right?
New: Yes, but I repeat, all the way across campus.
S: I AM all the way across campus - talking to your Neen!
New: Wha-? Why? How?
S: She's classmates with Kit. And they just ended class.
New: What?! You're talking to her now? As in right this moment?
S: Well duh! I'm talking to you. Krist is talking to her. I excused myself to call you. So do I stall or just say goodbye?
New: Man, stall, like your life depended on it. I'm on my way.
S: Will do, boss! Hurry!

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