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Krist looked up from his notes to stare at Gun.

“No. I do not have time. I’m in class.”

He put down his pen and turned fully to his P’.

“If you’re not going to say anything important. I have to go.”

Gun put his phone on silent mode and picked up his pen and opened his notebook. After a few moments, he closed his notes and slammed the pen down the table.

“Is everything alright P’Gun?” Krist asked hesitantly.

“Yeah why?” Gun picked up his pen again and opened his notes.

“You seem pissed off.”

“Don’t even say that word. And no, I’m fine. See?” Gun turned to Krist and Grinned, showing his teeth, as a way of smiling.

“You want to talk about it P’? Krist asked.

“Nothing to talk about.” Gun pointedly looked at Krist then turned back to his notes. A few beats after, he closed his notebook and turned to Krist. “It’s… Off! He’s… Nevermind.” Gun looked at Krist for a couple of seconds, opened and closed his mouth, as if deciding to say something.

“What did P’Off do? You seem borderline annoyed and ready to throw the table at the next person that talks to you, which, I happen to like being safe, is me. So you want to talk about it?”

“Sorry Krist. I’ve been a little annoyed lately and I took it out on you. It’s just that P’Off is veeery annoying. Not his usual annoying, just makes me angry.”


“Does Singto say something and do another, the complete opposite?”

Krist shook his head.

“Does he always do what he tells you he will do, when he tells you he will do it?”

Krist nodded.

“Of course he does. Why did I even ask? This is Singto we are talking about.”

“Again I ask, what did P’Off do to piss you off?”

“It’s what he didn’t do that makes me mad.”


“OK. It’s like this. P’Off has been very busy with school, which I totally understand, we’re very busy too. I’ve been very understanding and accommodating of his time and schedule. We’ve worked out a system. I have his schedule and he has mine. He will text me or call me when he has time, I will too. That seemed to work for the first half of the semester.”

“OK. So what’s the problem.”

“He forgot my birthday.”

“Oh P’…”

“Which was fine. He said sorry and made up for it. And like I told you, I understand.”


“Then he forgot my Por’s birthday, which again was fine. My Por asked about him and he went the weekend after. We always celebrate our parents’ birthdays together, me with P’Off’s parents and he with mine. We go to each parent’s birthdays. That one was fine too.”

“If it was fine, then what’s bothering you P’?”

“Then he forgot about our anniversary.”


“Yeah, ‘Oh’. That one took some groveling. We made up after that too. Then this yesterday, Sunday, we were supposed to spend the day together, to make up for the past few months. He never showed up. I waited by our favorite café for 2 hours. He texted on the third hour asking if he can go to a classmate’s birthday party.”

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