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"I can't believe you did that!" Gun screamed at Off.

"What do you mean you can't believe it? What did you want me to do? Stand aside while that creep messed with you and Krist?!"

"No! Of course not! But did you have to hit the guy?"

"What did you want me to do then? Shake his hand?"


"Then what?"

"I don't know! Call security or something!"

"Ugh! I can't now! I'm just gonna walk it off! Nammon, you got this?"

"Yeah Off. Go cool off. I'll stand guard."

"Gun, I'll just... just stay here."

"Yeah, whatever!"

Gun turned his back at Off, who was at that moment walking away.



Krist was taken aback. In all the years he's known Singto, he has never been mad at him, nor raise his voice. He was stunned into silence.

"I'm sorry Kit."

"I... I just want to say calm down." Krist said in a quiet voice.

Singto who was pacing back and forth stopped mid-stride, having realized his mistake. He wasn't mad at Krist, far from it. He was mad that Krist had to be in that situation. He was more mad at himself for not having been there to stop it from happening. If only he came 10 minutes earlier. If only he finished his project yesterday. If only he thought to get someone to come earlier and sit with Krist. If only.


Earlier that evening.

Krist walked into the bar with Gun. They finished class early and was meeting the guys to celebrate the end of their 3rd year. Off was stuck finishing his thesis, ice and Nammon were on their way, having just finished their final project. Singto was rushing, New with him, completing the last portion of their projects.

"P'Gun, there's a table there. Let's go before someone else grabs it." Krist grabbed Gun's hand and walked to the vacant table. As soon as they place their bags on the seat, a group of guys approached them.

"Hey there. Are these seats taken?" Said one of the five guys.

"Um, we're actually waiting for a few friends." Krist answered.

Gun held on to Krist's arm as the rest of the guys closed in. "Krist, they're drunk."

"We're not *hik* drunk" said guy#2.

"P'." Krist was starting to get scared.

"We just want to sit with you. Is it so wrong to want to get to know you?" Said guy#3 as he made a move to sit at the chair beside Krist.

"You should djust go. Our friends will arrive any minute now." Gun said nervously.

"Hey," guy#4 said, coming closer to Krist "aren't you that cafeteria guy?" He faced his frineds, "You know, the proposal by that tall dude from Med."

"Oh yeah, the roses and banner guy. I heard you broke up. You need a new boyfriend?" Guy#5 added. "I'm single now. And I can give you whatever you want."

"Sorry, I don't know you." Krist reacted as he was batting away advancing fingers from guy#5.

"Oh come on. I know I'm not as handsome as that tall guy but I can give you more."

"No. Please just go!"

"Leave him alone! He said no!"

"You're cute, aren't you. How aboutyou, are you lookingfor a boyfriend?" Guy#1 said. He was standing very close to Gun. "You have puh-pretty lips." Guy#1 slurred.

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