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The group moved to a coffee shop after dinner. The group placed Singto and Krist beside each other in one of the loveseats they had at their table, OffGun on the other loveseat and the rest of the guys on single chairs. Conversation was endless, as usual. It was always a puzzle to Singto how the group never runs out of things to talk about. They were together most of the week, yet they still found stuff to converse over. He was laughing at something Nammon was saying when he Felt Krist shift beside him, yawning at the same time.

"Let's call it a night. What do you guys say?" Singto started.

"What! It's still early, just after 10." New responded.

"Plus, it's a Friday!" Nammon joined.

"Krist is sleepy. If you guys want to stay, I'll take Krist home first."

"Huh, P'!" Krist said when he realized they were talking about him. "I'm OK P'. I can just chill while we hang out."

"I saw you yawning. I'm betting you're tired. I'll take you home." Singto stood up, grabbing his bag, then Krist's.

"Nah, it's OK Nong. You go home first. Singto will go with you." Ice echoed Singto's statement.

"See, let's go." To the guys, Singto said "We'll go ahead."

Singto transferred both his bag and Krist's to one hand and offered the other to Krist to help the younger man stand. Without thinking, Krist took the offered hand. This action earned smiles and glances from their group. Off was smiling outright that had Gun hitting his arm.

"OK P's we'll go ahead then." Krist bid the group farewell.

Singto turned to the group saying "We'll go ahead." And then winked.

The group's reaction was laughter that followed the pair outside.

"What were they laughing about P'?" Krist asked Singto when they exited the café.

"I think it was Off, as usual."


"Let's go. I think we should take a taxi to the dorm. It'll be easier that way."

Krist fell asleep within minutes of boarding the taxi. Singto knew this would happen. Krist often falls asleep as soon as his head rests on something, this time it was on Singto's shoulder.

"Nong... Krist... Wake up, we're here. Kit..."

"Oh P', sorry. Are we here?"

"Yeah. We just arrived. Here." Singto reached across Krist's body, effectively caging the younger man in, to reach the door on Krist's side.

Krist blushed, thankful that his P' was getting out from his side of the cab and didn't see. Singto was now walking towards Krist, having paid the taxi fare.

"P', can I have my bag?"

"I'll bring it up for you."

"It's OK P'. I can go up by myself."

"Just go. I'll bring your bag." Singto held both of Krist's shoulders and turned him to face the dorm entrance. He pushed him a bit to get the younger man moving.

With no choice, Krist kept on walking, feeling warmth radiate from his shoulders. They walked into the dorm building, Singto holding both bags on one hand, the other resting on Krist's shoulders. Krist had to close his eyes to savour the feeling of having Singto stand so close and touching him.

"Are you sleepy?" Singto asked upon seeing Krist's closed eyes.


"Your eyes are closed."

"Um... Yeah P'. I'm a bit sleepy."

"Good thing I got you to go home then."

"Yeah P'."

The elevator arrived at Krist's floor. Singto motioned for Krist to exit first, keeping his hand at the small of the younger man's back. Tingles shot from Krist's back straight to his very core.

"Key?" Krist was surprised to see they've stopped in front of his room.

"In my bag P'." Without letting go, Singto placed the bag where Krist can reach into it for the key. Krist was zipping his bag after he got the key and startled to have Singto take the key from him and open his door.

"Here." Singto handed the bag and keys to Krist. "Go inside and sleep."

"Thanks for bringing me home P'." Krist smiled shyly.

Singto stayed for a few seconds then reached up to touch Krist's neck. "Anytime Krist." 

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