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Being a freshman brings a lot of new experiences and new people, as Krist would discover, following his next few days and months in his new school. Coming from a small school, there are a lot of things that seemed new to Krist. Now, halfway through the school year, Krist is getting used to the noise level and the ruckus that the boys bring everyday. Being from a co-ed school, he realized that having girls in the class balances the energy level, with his class, equalizing the level of hyperactivity is close to impossible. He just settled with sitting in his corner and watching all the activity.


"Oh Nammon! What's up?!" Singto answered from his chair. He was studying with Krist as they had a free period. "Why are you shouting?"

"There's someone looking for you here!" Nammoon answered, not looking at Singto but at that 'someone' standing by the door.

Krist could see a student that looked to be in his elementary school uniform. The student was carrying a box of chocolates and a folded note.

"Krist, I'll go check on who that is and be back to review the lessons with you."

Krist watched at Singto walked to the door, tapped Nammon's shoulder and then faced the boy at the door.

"Yes? I'm Singto. What can I do for you?"

The student blushed. "Um.. Hello Khun Singto. My name is Chantok. I am a grade 7 student. Please accept these." The student shoved the box and note to Singto and then ran away.

Singto was left dumbfounded and turned to Nammon who was standing at his back. "What just happened? Who was that? And what are these?"

"Well man, it looks like you have an admirer. Let's see what we have here..." Nammon took the box from Singto's hand. "Oho.... Royce chocolates! The kid has taste! Sign, you don't eat chocolates right? Can I have these?"

"Uh yeah, go ahead." Singto was still puzzled as to what happened and dismissed Nammon who was running towards Ice and the waiting group.

Krist who was watching the whole exchange was looking at his P' who was walking towards him, scratching his head. "P'Singto, who was that?"

"I don't know."

"What did he want? And why was P'Nammon running with the box the boy gave you?"

"I honestly don't know Krist. He said his name, I don't remember. Apparently he's in 7th grade. Nammon asked for the box, I gave it to him and then this."

Krist took the folded note from Singto's hand. "P', may I?" At Singto's nod, Krist opened the note.

Hello Khun Singto. My name is Chantok, grade 7. I have been admiring you for the past 6 months and I am a bit shy. I would like to say that I like you Khun. You are great. I heard you talking to a few of my classmates and you are really kind. Would you please accept this gift and note, to show how much I like you. Would it be ok to be your friend Khun? It would really make my day if you could reply to my note. I will come by tomorrow to get your reply. Thank you Khun Singto and have a nice day.

"P', this is from that student. He wants..."

"That's not important Krist. Let's get back to studying. Where were we? Did you get that note that Mr. Thapoon wrote on the board, about the shortcut formula?"

"But P' it says here he's waiting for your reply to the letter."

Singto can see a slight line forming between Krist's eyebrows. "Nong, it's not important. I don't know him anyway."

"But P' the student will come by tomorrow to get your reply."

"Why don't we do this, if you want, you can write the reply because I won't, OK?"


"Krist, the formula?"

"OK P' I won't bother you with this note. And yes, I copied the formula. Here."

Singto moved his chair closer to Krist to see the younger man's notebook better.

The incident with the 7th grader was not the last one that happened as the months go by. There were a lot that attempted to talk to Singto. The gifts kept on coming and the notes got more and more demanding to be answered. It didn't take long until Singto was receiving gifts, letters, proposals and attentions from different year levels, spanning from the older elementary school students to the high school seniors.

Krist did his best to keep Singto smiling through this. He can see that his P' was not enjoying the attention at all. Sure he was as active as the next student, participating in activities, events and other classroom affairs that brings attention to him, but the attention that he was getting from his admirers was not the same, according to Singto.

"P' why are you in a bad mood?" Krist asked one day at lunch, after a visit from a senior student that demanded Singto talk to him. Krist found out that the senior wanted Singto to go steady with him. Singto declined.

"I'm not."

"P', you are. That frown hasn't left your face from the time that senior left our table. Even P'Ice is keeping his distance because of your mood."

"Huh? Sorry Krist. I'm just annoyed with the senior. He's very persistent. It's annoying."

"Why? What did he want P'?"



"He just said he liked me."

"But isn't it good that the senior likes you? It means they won't even attempt to bully you, or us because we're with you."

"Well Nong. The type of like the senior was referring to is not the same as what you have in mind. He wants me to go steady with him." Singto answered, his attention on his lunch, he did not see the stunned grim expression on Krist's face.

"Ah. What did you say P'?"

"I said no, of course."

"I don't understand P'. Why did you say no? I think that senior was nice."

"I just don't want to Krist. Drop it."

"OK P'.

The table remained quiet after that, as was the rest of the day. Singto remained standoffish and reserved. The noisy, annoying P' he could handle. The strict P' with their homework, he can work with. Krist didn't know what to do with this quiet Singto. He decided to stay quiet and just sit by his side. 

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