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"Singto not here again?" Nammon asked while walking towards Krist's chair a month after. "That's four times in a row he's been absent start of the week."

"I don't know P'. He didn't tell me." *ring* "Oh P', wait. I have to answer this call." Krist excused himself and walked towards the back of the class to answer the call.



"Kit, I won't be coming to class again this morning. I'm calling you so you won't sulk about it later."

"I don't sulk P'."

"Yeah you do."

"No I don't."

"Yeah Kit, you do. Anyway, I'm only calling you. Can you tell the guys for me?"

"Sure P'."

"Oh, and can I copy your notes again? Library later?"

"OK P'. Take care. Call me if you need anything else P'."

"OK Kit."

Krist took the phone away before ending the call. He heard a faint 'I miss you' from the other line. He immediately put the phone back to his ear but the call was already disconnected. Imagining things Krist. Oh I hope not...

The day was boring for Krist. Lunch was lunch. Without Singto, the day seemed unexciting.

"Oh-ho! Just because Singto is not here, you find us boring huh Krist?"

"Oh! What? No P'New!"

"No huh? Then why haven't you said anything since this morning." New teased.

"All you ever do is look at Singto's chair. You even placed books on the table so I couldn't sit beside you." Nammon added.

"Aw, P's! It's not like that!"

"It's OK Krist, I feel exactly the same way."

"You do P'Gun?"

"Sure! I feel like that when my Honey is not with me."

"Aw.... Honey..." Off moved closer to Gun to cuddle.

"Um P'Gun... I don't think that applies to me. It's not the same."

"Sure it is! I miss my P'Off when he's not here. I'm always in a slump when he's not here."

"I second that!" Nammon chimed in, earning a glare from Gun.

"Well, I'm getting drinks, who's coming with?" Gun, who has been sitting beside Krist stood up and asked.

"I will!" Off excitedly answered.

"I'll go. New, you coming?" Nammon stood up to go with Gun and Off, New followed.

Ice, who has been quietly observing Krist the entire time answered "Can you bring me back iced coffee Gun? Thanks!"

"Sure Ice!"

Krist was pushing around food on his plate when Ice spoke up. "It's OK to miss him you know?"

"What are you talking about P'Ice?"

"Singto. It's OK if you're sad that he's not here."

"It's not like that P'."

"Whatever you're feeling, I want you to know it's OK. You can talk to me if you need someone to share things with, especially that Singto's not here."

"Um... Thanks P'Ice. But I'm OK really. You have it wrong."

"OK Nong."

"Um... P'Ice?"



"Anytime Nong, I'm here." Ice smiled.

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