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"P'! What are you doing here?" Krist said as he opened his apartment door.

Singto was poised to knock when the door opened to Krist's surprised face. "I'm taking you to school."

"To school P'?" Krist said as he was locking up. "It's 8:30 am. Your class is at 2:00 pm."

"Yes. And we're on a trial period. So as far as I'm concerned, I'm on courting mode again. So," Singto said as he opened the car door for Krist "you get Nomyen and breakfast." He pointed to the pink milk on the cup holder and handed Krist a box of from the back seat.

Singto pulled out of the driveway "And I'll be here every morning and take you home every afternoon."

"That's a bit much P'."

"Nope. It's what I should have been doing all along."

"What about your projects?"

"The only project I have pending is the one for Labs. I'm doing it by myself so I don't need to wait around the school. I'll do it between classes."

"Between classes, you qon't have time to rest."

"I'll rest when I'm with you. And you know what I need to recharge right?" *wink*

"P'! Just drive."

The next few days were the same. Singto fetching Krist from home early in the morning, meeting for lunch then going home together.

A few days later, Singto and Krist were meeting after Krist's first class, at the library for a study session, Singto has no classes before lunch and Krist has free period.

Krist was walking into the library and spotted Singto by one of the shelves. He was walking towards Singto when his P' turned his back. Krist was surprised, sure Singto saw him approaching. He continued his approach, thinking of ways to surprise his P'. Hmm, I could surprise him the old fashioned way and jump out of the next isle - but he doesn't get surprised easily. I could hug him from behind, but there's too many people, it'd be embarrassing. Or I could... He stopped mid-thought as he saw why Singto turned around.

Sing was browsing through some textbooks while waiting for Krist. He was thinking it'll be like their highschool days where Krist would be concentrating on his notes and he would be doing his best to distract his Nong. He can hear Krist's 'P'!' Already.


Singto turned to the familiar voice.

"Ping. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize."

"Don't. I was trying to be nice when I said I don't want to see you again. Ever. I'm telling you now, I won't accept your apology so don't bother. You almost ruined my life. There's no going back from there."

"But Sing..."

"Call me Khun. I don't think we can be on first name basis now."

"But Singto..."

"P'Sing." Krist said as he approached. Judging by the set of his P's jaw, he knew he was holding on to his temper. Krist thought of a way to keep Singto's temper in check. His normally calm P' was losing his cool.

"Kit." Singto was surprised to see Krist. He didn't know how Krist would take the interaction between Ping and himself. He was worried Krist might misunderstand again. He needed to think of something. Fast.

Krist moved into Singto's space, lifted his hand to the other's cheek and turned his head to face him. He kissed Singto's lips a bit longer than usual, catching the man off guard.

"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for you." Krist said, a bit out of breath, as soon as the kiss ended.

"Kit." Was all Singto could say. He always gets a bit dazed after Krist's kisses.

"Hi." Krist said, arms around Singto's waist, his front fitted to the other's side. "You must be Ping." Krist went on, his voice sweet. "We didn't properly meet." Krist let go of Singto, moving closer to Ping.

Ping moved back a bit.

"Don't worry. I won't make a scene." He held out his hand, Singto automatically put his on Krist's waist, to offer support or get ready to pull him away, he didn't know. "Let me formally introduce myself. I'm his BOYfriend, capital B, emphasis on boy." Krist said softly. "If I ever see you hanging around my boyfriend again, all I'm going to say is, you better run."

Ping looked from Krist's outstretched hand, to the man's sweet smile. She stole a glance at Singto and turned around. The couple watched Ping head towards a table with a group of girls. The girls, clearly having seen the confrontation gathered around Ping.

"Kit. Look at me."

Krist turned around, smile still in place.

"Yikes. No wonder she went running."

"You." Krist said, smile fading.

"What? I didn't do anything. I even warned her off."

"I know." Krist smiled genuinely. His lips tipped up at the corners. "Let's go study." Krist said, taking Singto's hand, towing his boyfriend to an empty table. He placed his bag on the table and made a show of pushing Singto on his seat, moving the next chair extra close and sitting with just an inch between them, fully aware Ping was watching.

"Kit, don't you think this is a bit excessive?"

"Nope. But this is." Krist cupped Singto's cheek, making the other face him. He then kissed Singto slowly, savoring the other's lips, nibbling on his bottom lip. They made out, PG rated, for a good 5 minutes.

When the two separated, they can hear claps, whistles, and shushes from the librarian.

"Hmm... I should do that more often." Krist whispered.

Singto slowly opened his eyes. He saw Krist facing the table, books opened. He didn't miss the red tint of Krist's cheeks or the dagger look they got from Ping.

"Whatever that was for, I want more."

"What?" Krist said, not looking at his P'.

"That. That kiss was, I don't know how to describe it. What was that for?"

"Staking my claim."

"Oh Kit." Singto said, moving closer to Krist's ear and whispered. "We can skip the rest of the day and you can stake your claim any way you want."

"P'Sing. We came here to study." Krist dismissed Singto's request, earning a pout from his P'. He smiled at his notes and turned his head towards Sing. "I can't make you miss class today. Besides, we don't have night classes."

"Ugh!" Singto burried his face in Krist's neck. "Why do you do this to me Kit?" He licked Krist's neck, knowing he can get away with it without anyone noticing. "You're mine after school."

Krist felt the lick down to his toes. He went stiff for a second and relaxed into Singto. "Oh P'. I'm always yours."

Singto straightened in his seat. "How do you expect me to concentrate now?"

Krist's response, the sweetest smile he can muster.

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