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K: Hello P'.
S: Kit! Why are you calling this early? I'm still getting ready. Wait. Your class is at 9:00, it's just 7:30.
K: Oh. I called to say don't pick me up this morning. My Por is dropping by to take me to school.
S: Oh. OK. Um...
K: That's it P'. I just called so you won't have to come all the way here.
S: OK.
K: see you later P'.

Krist hung up. "Love you Kit. Later." Singto said to the phone, no Krist.

*buzz* *buzz*

Krist was busy texting the entire morning. Throughout first period, he has been on his phone on and off.

"Busy Krist?" Gun asked.

"Oh P', not really. It's just P'Sing. He's been texting me all morning."

"So? Wait. Sing has been texting you this entire time?"

"Yes P'."

"Huh... He hasn't replied to my twxt since yesterday and he haa been texting you non-stop? That boy!"

"Oh P'. Haha! He's just annoyed at me. That's why he's texting. I'll tell him about your text."

"Annoyed? At you? Impossible."

"But he is."

"Let me see that." Gun took Keist's phone befor the other can protest.

"What's going on? Where are you? I miss you, don't you miss me? Why can't I call? -- you call that annoyed? That's sweet in OffGun world. When P'Off is annoyed, he doesn't text like that. How can you tell he's annoyed by his texts?"

"Believe me P', he's annoyed." Krist held out his hand for his phone. "See how he texts 2-3 times before I answer? He notmally waits for me to answer before he responds. These texts show his impatience."

"And when has he ever been impatient with you?" Gun raised his eyebrow as he asked.

"He has!"


"Come on P'Gun! Are you saying he's never impatient with me?"

"How long has he carried his torch before you became official?"


"Exactly. Wait. Why is he annoyed anyway?"

"Well he didn't pick me up from my dorm this morning."

"Why? I saw you hurrying from the bus stop. Why didn't he pick you up?"

"Well, because I told him not to." At Gun's questionning look, Krist just smiled.

"OK, I'll bite. Why didn't you want him to pick you up?"

"It's all part of my plan."

"To what? Make him crazy?"


"A-rai na?"

"I have a plan for his birthday."

"Which is today. You're annoying him on his birthday?"


"Whatever you're planning Krist... I'm in! What can I do?"

"Hey man! Happy birthday!"

"Oh. Hi New, thanks."

New sat beside Singto at the cafeteria. "For a birthday boy, you don't look happy. What gives?"


"It's Krist isn't it?"

"What? No. I mean yes! What's going on with him? Have you seen him at all today? Have you talked to him? Where is he? Do you know?"

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