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K (4.45 pm): P'Sing

K (4:50 pm): Why didn't you come to class today?

K (4:50 pm): What happened?

K (5:00 pm): P'Sing?

K (5:10 pm): P?

K (5:10 pm): You must be busy or you don't have battery?

K (5:15 pm): You're not replying P'. I'll go home now.

K (5:15 pm): P'Nammon will walk me home today since you're not here.

K (5:30 pm): Home now P'.

K (9:00 pm): Haven't heard from you today. Will you be going to school tomorrow?

K (10:30 pm): Going to sleep now. Goodnight P'.

S (10:45 pm): My battery died, I just got home. Sorry Krist.

S (10:46 pm): Are you asleep already?

S (11:00 pm): I guess you're asleep.

S (11:00 pm): Goodnight Kit.

S (11:01 pm): See you tomorrow.

The next day, Krist found he was once again alone in the corner. His P'Singto has not yet arrived, if he is going to attend class today. He sat down and began arranging his things. When he looked up, a glass of Nomyen was on top of his table. He looked around and was instantly annoyed when he faced right. Singto readily pinched his cheek, which is annoying in itself, given the circumstance, doubly so.

"Oh, P'Sing you're here." Krist said then turned back to fixing his stuff.

"Hey Kit." Singto said cautiously as he sat down beside the younger man. "What's up?"

"Nothing much."

"Are you mad at me?"

"Of course not P'. Why would I be mad?"

"Sorry I didn't text you yesterday."

"That's alright P'."

"I missed your texts. I ran out of battery."

"It's OK P'."

"You waitied for me, I'm sorry Krist."

Krist turned to face Singto, a neutral smile on his lips. "Don't worry about it P'."

"Be mad at me Krist."

"I'm not mad P'."

"Come on! I can take you being mad. Yell at me. I can't take this."

"What do you mean P'?"

"This. These polite answers. This polite smile. I know you're mad Kit. Be mad."

"I'm not mad P'. Why should I be mad? Should I be mad because you didn't text me yesterday? Should I be mad because you didn't show up? Should I be mad because I waitd for you? Should I be mad because I expected you to be here and you weren't?"


"I'm not mad P'."


"I suggest you review a bit now P'. We have a quiz for our first subject."


"Here P'." Krist handed Singto his notebook. "Read." Then he stood up and left the room.

"Woah! That looked like it Hurt Sing!" New wassaying as he and Off approached Singto's chair.

"It looked like it hurt, you should have been here when it happened." Singto answered, shaking his head. "How mad do you guys think he is?" Singto looked from New to Off.

Off sat on Krist's chair. "Well man, I'll tell you this. If it were Gun in Krist's shoes, I would get hell for a week. I'd have to grovel for a week."

"Lucky you, Krist can't stay mad at you." New said.

Singto looked from New to Off, then Off to New.

"You don't see it?" Off asked. "Krist can't stay mad at you. He may sulk for a few hours but the second you do something sweet or say something funny, he's like a marshmallow."

"I don't see it." Singto said.

"And that is why Krist is mad at you. Gotta go man, I don't want to be here when Krist comes back. He's not as forgiving towards me." New turned around to leave.

"Piece of advice," Off stood up and looked at Singto. "do something sweet so you'll get your marshmallow back."

"Alright. Thanks man." Singto sighed and opened Krist's notes.

Krist came back after a few moments, stoic as before. Krist was still not looking at him but asked. "Do you have questions on the lecture P'?"

"Not on the lecture, no. But I do have a question."

Krist looked at Singto, showing a bit of annoyance. "What?"

"How long are you gonna be mad?" Singto touched Krist's head, sliding his hand to the back of the latter's neck. "Come on Kit. I'm sorry."

Krist was trying hard not to smile. His blush, he can't control, he did his smile, which he knew he can. "I'm not mad. Why would I be mad P'? Who am I to be mad?"

Singto put slight pressure on the younger man's neck, effectively bringing his face closer the Singto. "Forgive me?"

"Fine." Krist's smile slipped a bit. "Whatever P'." He tried pulling his head away but Singto's grip is stronger.

"I'm sorry Krist."

"What are you sorry for P'?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I wan't gonna come to school yesterday. I'm sorry I made you wait. I'm sorry I didn't text you. And I'm sorry I didn't answer your texts." Each sorry was punctuated by pressure applied on Krist's neck, from Singto's touch.

From a few inches away, Krist can't deny his P'. This is sooo unfair. "OK. I forgive you. Let go P'."

Singto smiled then slid his hand to Krist's cheek, staying for a second then he let go.

Singto admitted to himself that he hesitated to let go of Krist. He wanted to do more that hold his cheek. He wanted to kiss the hurt from Krist's eyes. Of course he can't. He knew he can't.

"Great! You're back together!"

"Aw, P'Nammon? Huh?"

"Oh! I meant you're not mad at Sing anymore. I was afraid to come over here and I really needed to borrow your Physics notes."

"I wasn't mad at P'Singto." Krist answered.

"Yeah right. OK. Then can I borrow your Physics notes?"

"Here P'." Krist was blushing furiously. Singto on the other hand was smiling from ear to ear, earning a glare from the younger man.

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