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"I thought you hated pet names?" Itthipat asked Krist one time when they were on a date.

"Huh? What made you say that?" Krist answered.

"Remember when my friends asked you the week we became official?"

"What did they ask?"

"They asked if we had pet names for each other."

"Oh yeah, right. I remember."

"And do you remember what you answered?"

"No. What did I say?"

"That you weren't real big on pet names."

"I said that?"


"Then I did. So?"

"Well, I don't call you pet names because of that. I don't think you'll let me."


"But you let P'Sing."


"P'Sing has a pet name for you but you're OK with it."


"He calls you 'Kit'."

"Well, he's called me that since high school."

"And you're OK with that?"

"I guess I'm used to it. I don't think about it much."

"OK. Let's go, movie's about to start." Itthipat ushered Krist to the cinemas.

"Bye P'Sing! Thanks for breakfast!" Krist waved at Singto as the older man left. He was standing by the benches, in front of the Economics building. 


"Oh hey Itthipat!"

"Was that P'Singto?"


"What was he doing here?"

"He picked me up from home. He had to meet with the dean this morning so he gave me a ride."

"Oh. OK. Let's go get breakfast?"

"I just ate with P'Sing."

"You already ate breakfast?"

"Yes. With P'Sing. He brought me to this new café near my house."

"OK. I'll eatbreakfast then. See you at lunch. Or is P'Sing going to lunch with you too?"Itthipat turned and left.    

"Where were you today? I haven't seen you since this morning. I thought we were going to lunch?" Krist asked as Itthipat was walking to him.

"Let's go." Itthipat took Krist's bag and held both his and Krist's in one hand, grabbing Krist's hand in the other.

Krist was having a hard time catching up to Itthipat's strides, the other man dragging him behind. "Itthipat, wait!"

"What?!" Itthipat answered, his voice rising a little.

"Are you mad at me?"


"Then why are you like this? Did something happen?"

"You can say that."

"What tell me?"

"You really want to know, Krist?"

"Yes. Tell me. What's going on?"

"What's going on is P'Singto's here."

"What does that mean?"

"He's here." Itthipat motioned between himself and Krist.

"Spell it out for me."

"Let me put it in simple terms. I am your boyfriend but you are giving more importance to P'Singto than you do me."

"What? That's crazy."

"Is it? Ever since P'Singto came back I've been second place. When he arrived you even forgot I was with you."

"We talked about that and I've apologized. Come on Itthipat, I'm allowed to be surprised."

"OK, yeah, I'll give you that. What about the party huh? Did you forget that you had your boyfriend with you? You kissed the man, for goodness' sake!"

"It was a game!"

"You stayed with him, choosing him over me."

"He was drunk."

"He was! And P'Gun and P'Off were there! Why did you have to stay? You chose to stay with him rather than go with me! And the pet names, don't even get me started!"

Krist couldn't say anything.

"You let him touch your hair, while you get crazy silent when I do! What am I to you Krist?"


"Will you ever choose me over him?"

"I don't know OK!"

"You don't know?"

"P'Singto and I have history. We've been P'Sing and Krist for a long time. I don't know if I can let him go just to be with you. Oh!" Krist covered his mouth, not meaning to say the words.

"I see. Then there's nothing left to talk about."

"What are you saying?"

"It's clear you are choosing P'Singto over me. I can't compete with your 5 years with him. Just tell me this. Did you ever really love me?"

Did I? Love Itthipat? "I..."

Itthipat moved closerto Krist, raising his hand to the latter's cheek. "I guess I have my answer.Good bye Krist. Thank you for letting me love you." He bent down to kiss Krist'slips. "I hope you figure it out with P'Singto." Itthipat turned around and leftKrist.    

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