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K: Hey! How are you? Leave me a message!

S: Kit, answer the phone please?

K: Hey! How are you? Leave me a message!

S: Kit, me again. Just answer the phone. Let me explain.

K: Hey! How are you? Leave me a message!

S: Kit. Just... I love you.


"New. Hey."

"Did you finish all of these?" New pointed to the table where beer bottles were scattered. He counted 13 bottles upended and three more half full.

"Um, yeah."

"No luck?"

"He still won't pickup. He won't return my calls, not even my texts."

"Let him be for now, I guess. Maybe he needs to think."

"I can't New. He doesn't know the truth. I'm afraid the more I leave him alone, the more he misunderstands."

"Yeah. You want me to give it a try?"

"At this point, I'll do anything."

"I'll have a chat with Gun. You want to bring the group in on this?"

"Not yet. I don't want Ice to bash my head in and tell me how stupid I am."

"Yeah." New stands and lifts Singto up. "Come on. Let's get you home."

"You'll talk to Gun?"

"Yeah. I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"Thanks man."

New: Hello. Sing, where are you?

S: On my way. Alarm didn't go off.

New: Since when do you need and alarm to wake up at the break of dawn?

S: Since I don't go to sleep until the break of dawn.

New: Ouch. Just get here. Class is about to start. You'll be locked out if you don't get here on time.

S: Yeah, yeah. You nag worse than my mom! I'm almost there!

"So, how'd you do?" New asked after their class

"I don't know. I didn't study." Singto answered, packing up.

"You didn't study? For a quiz? Hmm..."

"What? I couldn't concentrate so I didn't study."

"OK." New raised his hands in surrender. "No need to get snippy."

"Yo Sing! Results are out! Let's go!" Dennis, their classmate called to Singto who was sitting on a bench, spacing out.

"Yeah. Thanks Den!"

"So... How'd you do?" New asked as he hung on to Singto. 

"I got a B."

"You got a B?" New looked for his score, nodded, then looked at Singto's. "You got a B. Huh!"


"And I got a B-. You're human after all." 


"Mr. Ruangroj, a word." 

"Yes Mr. Tenan." Singot walked to their professor. "Meet you at lunch New." Singto shouted at New.

Singto met with their professor, Mr. Tenan at the faculty. 

"Mr. Ruangroj, I think you know why I called you in?"

"Yes Sir, I have an idea." 

"I'm guessing this is the first time you are called to the faculty when you aren't being commended."

"Yes Sir."

"I'm worried Mr. Ruangroj."

"Yes Sir."

"You have been spacing out in class, late 3 out of 5 days, forget assignments and now you scored a B flat on my quiz."

"Yes, Sorry Sir. I'll do better."

"You'll have to Mr. Ruangroj. I am well aware of the conditions of your enrollment and scholarship. We at the Engineering faculty consider you one of our pride and joys, don't tell the other kids or we'll be hanged for favoritism." 

"Yes Sir."

"As I was saying, your scholarship strictly states that you are never, under any circumstances, get a grade lower than an A- in any class, or lower than a B+ in any exam."

"Yes Sir it does." 

"Well Mr. Ruangroj, I won't offer any other student this but I'll give you a make up assignment to pull your grade up. It'll be up to you to pull it up to whatever grade you want, although I'm hoping, from previous exercises that you'll make up for it with an A+."

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."

"I won't submit the final test grades until end of this week, that gives you 3 more days to work on the make up."

"OK Sir. I won't let you down."

"See me after final period Mr. Ruangroj and we'll discuss the make up assignment."

"Thank you Sir. I'll be here, promptly at 5:30 PM." 

"You're dismissed. See you in the afternoon Mr. Ruangroj. Don't let me down."

"I won't Sir. Thank you again." 

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