To the Nines

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"Kit, are you ready?"

"Yes P'. Um, almost."

"What's taking so long? You need help with your tie? I can..." Singto stood stock still just inside the bedroom door. Stunned silent by the vision before him.

"I'm done. I'm done. I just can't find my cuff links. Just that and I'm finished. Help me look P'." Krist was a whirlwind of action, looking in every drawer, in every box. "P'Sing, it's the gold links with the ruby stone, the one you got me last year." He hasn't heard anything from Singto since his P' entered the room. He looked up to find Singto staring at him, following his every move with eyes only. "P'!"

"Huh? What?"

"My cuff links! I can't find it. I know I took it out of the box last night, I can't find it anywhere."

Singto was still staring at Krist, he physically shook his head to clear it. "Cuff links?"

"Yes! Never mind! Let's just go. We'll be late!"


"P'Sing? Are you good to go?"

"Come here." Singto opened his arms, bidding Krist to come to him. He knew they were dressing to match tonight but Krist, in Singto's eyes looked extra hot, for a lack of a better word. He agreed to wear red to tonight's party because Krist liked red, he didn't usually agree to wearing matching suits, thinking it a bit on the corny side. He was glad he agreed, Krist looked good, real good in red.

"P'Sing, we don't have time."

"Just come here." Krist walked into Singto's embrace. "If we'll be late tonight, it's going yo be your fault you know."

"How is it my fault?"

"Because you look the way you do."

"What? That makes no sense!"

"Makes perfect sense to me because you're perfect."

"P'Sing, let go."

"5 minutes Kit."

"We're late."

"Just hug me for a bit."


When they arrived at the party, it was in full swing already. Krist pinched Singto's side, "See! I shouldn't have hugged you! I knew it! You won't settle for just hugging me! Now we're late!"

"Aw Kit, but you weren't protesting earlier."

"P'! Argh! I'll be over there with P'Gun. Go find P'Ice or someone!" Krist stormed off, zeroing in on OffGun.

"Kit... don't leave me alone. Someone might steal away your handsome boyfriend."

"Let them!"

"Really?" Singto pouted.

Krist stared daggers at Singto, though secretly, he enjoys their 'arguments'. He finds Singto's teasing cute.

"OK. OK." Singto geld up both hands. "I'll be over there with Nammon."

Krist looked to where Singto pointed, seeing Nammon standing by one of the cocktail tables - alone and nodded. He kept up appearances and turned around in a huff.

"Come find me when you miss me, more than you do now."

Krist resisted the urge to turn to Singto, smiling instead, on his way to Gun.

"Ah... you've been 'sparring' with Singto again, I see." Off remarked when Krist reached the couple.

"Yeah I see what you mean Hun. He has that pink tint to his cheeks and ear to ear smile. You'd think after almost a decade the sparks will have died down."

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