On My Way

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Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, before they knew it, they were at the tsil end of their internships and on their last few months of their 3rd year.

K: P', are you seriously coming?
S: Yes, why? You don't want me to?
K: It's not that.
S: Then wait for me, I'm on my way.
K: OK P'. Im just worried that you're too tired o drive from your company to here.
S: Nah, I'm fine.
K: 'Kay P'. Just be careful when you drive.
S: Then hang up the phone and let me drive.
K: Aw, you don't want to talk to me anymore?
S: Come on Kit, you know I'll talk to you the whole day if I could. I Just need to concentrate and you always ruin my concentration.
K: Are you saying I'm a distraction?
S: You know you are. Haha!
K: Just checking. I may have lost my touch.
S: Never. You're always on my mind.
K: Aww, P'... Enough. Take care driving and don't think of me too much. Concentrate.
S: See you Kit. Wait for me inside the building.
K: 'K.

"Hey Kit." Singto said from a foot away.

"Oh P'Sing. Have you been here long?"

"I just arrived. Are you ready?" Singto took the bag perched on Krist's shoulders and transfered it to his own.

"Oh. Pan, this is my P'Singto. P'Sing, this is Pan, we're interning together." Krist stood from his seat at the building lobby and introduced the girl he was talking to.

"Sawadee Pan."

"Sawadee Khun Singto." Pan answered, staring at Singto, obviously curious as to who Singto was.

"Kit, I'll take this to the car and wait for you there. We'll go ahead Pan."

"OK P'. I'll follow in a bit." Krist answered as Singto turned to go.

"Who is that? Is he single? Can I get his number? Can you give me his? Please tell me he's single. He's our age right?"

"Yes Pan, he's our age. And no, I can't give you his number."

"Oh, don't you have his number?"

"I have his number, yes."

"Then why can't you give it to me? Or is he a private person? In that case, give him my number and put in a good word for me."

"Let me rephrase. I have his number and I won't give it to you."

"Why? He's so handsome."

"I won't give you his number because he's not single. He's taken."

"Oh? Why didn't you say so? Is she prettier than me? I can take her. I'll win Khun Singto over."

"You can't win him over. I'm positive he's head over heels with his fan. Final word is no to his number. I gotta go. See you next week Pan." Krist turned without another look.

"What's wrong?" Singto turned to Krist as the latter settled into the passenger seat. Sing brushed Krist's bangs away and leaned in for a kiss.

Krist responded to the brief kiss, still stewing over the incident with Pan.

"Why do you look ready to murder someone?"

"Nothing." Krist snapped.

"OK. Tell me."

"It's just... nothing. Not important."

"Kit. We're not leaving unless you tell me."

"P', we're already late."

"Tell me."

"Fine. It's Pan. She's suddenly annoying."

"Why? You were laughing with her a few minite ago."

"She just is."

"What did she say to get you this annoyed?"

"She asked for your number, OK?"

"That's it?" Singto started the car and pulled out of his parking slot. He held Krist's hand as he started driving away, one hand on the wheel, the other holding Krist's.

"And she asked if you were single, If I cound put in a good word and give you her number instead."

"What did you say?" Singto asked, fishing.

"I said no. You were taken and I won't give your number."

"What did she say?"

"She was persistent. Even said she can make you change your mind and steal you away."

"And you said no?"

"Of course. I said no. And I said she can't win you over because you're head over heals with your fan."

Singto was navigating a turn at the same time, raising Krist's hand to kiss when the latter answered. Upon hearing this, Singto stoped midway to his lips and smiled, and kissed Krist's hand. "Of course I am. No doubt."

"P'..." Krist turned, almost melting in his seat.

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