Close Call

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Foundation day is fast approaching, and the entire class was busy with it, Krist even more as he had band practice everyday after school. He's bummed out most of the time, though he loves playing the drums, he feels like he's missing out on all the fun. His friends are always laughing and goofing around, which he can't join because he always has to rush to make it to practice. His only consolation is that he gets to spend more time with his P'Singto.

Singto who volunteered to be Krist's 'manager' can always be seen in the auditorium, sitting not far away from where Krist and the band were practicing. He would be playing some game on his phone, occasionally looking up to smile at Krist, to give encouragement when he sees the younger man getting tired.

One practice session, Singto got up from his seat at the side of the stage and walked up to Krist. "Nong, I'll go out for a bit. You want anything to eat or drink?"

"OK P'. Can you bring me Nomyen?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll be back after 15 mins."

Krist smiled a small smile at Singto. As was their habit, the older man ruffled his hair before walking away. As he was walking out, Singto noticed a group of boys seated at the back row of the auditorium. He dismissed them as one of those that are looking to get his attention.

As soon as Singto was out the door, one of the boys from the group got up and made his way to where the band was practicing. As the student was walking, gasps and whispers can be heard from some of the band members and the other student volunteers assisting in the practice session.

Krist was surprised when a shadow blocked the auditorium lights while he was tuning his snare. He was instantly annoyed and was about to snap at the person when he noticed that everyone was quiet. He looked around and all eyes were on him and the person in front of him. He looked up and saw a guy that looked to be taller than him. "Sawadee Krap." Krist greeted.

"Sawadee Krist."

"Sorry P', do I know you?"

"I don't think so. My name is Victor, Hi! What time does band rehearsal finish?"

"Sorry, P'. I don't know. Are you waiting for someone?"

"You actually."

"Me? Why?"

"Hi Vic."

Krist looked behind Victor and saw Singto walking towards them with his Nomyen in hand. Krist didn't miss the expression that crossed Victor's face, especially when he closed his eyes, looking like he got caught.

Victor turned to greet the new comer. "Hi Singto. What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Krist. What are you doing here?

"Me? I'm admiring the band members. They're pretty good aren't they?"

"Yes they are."

Singto handed the Nomyen to Krist. Krist took the glass of pink milk. He was surprised when Singto placed his hand on the back of his neck. He looked at his P' but Singto's attention was all on Victor.

"Well, I don't want to disturb their practice. I'll just be sitting over there."

Singto looked to where Victor indicated and saw that the group of guys seated at the back row of the auditorium was indeed Victor's group. How could I have missed that?! Singto thought to himself. He wasn't aware that he held Krist the entire time he was talking to Victor. He looked down at Krist. "You OK?"

"Yes P'. Why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason. What did Victor want with you?"

"I don't know. He said he was waiting for someone, then you came and he stopped talking to me. Why P'?"

"Don't worry about it. Keep practicing. I'll be over at the first row. I'll wait for you."

"OK P'. I think another 30 minutes and we're done."

"OK. Good." Singto sat himself at the first row, making sure to keep an eye on Victor's group. He noted when Victor and his friends left the auditorium some 10 minutes later and exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"P'! We're done!" Singto was surprised to find Krist in front of him.

"Already? Let's go home."

"I'll pack up P' then we can go." Krist walked away, leaving Singto to himself.

Singto started sending a group message to their friends saying how Victor was crowding Krist during rehearsal and he came just in time to block the advance. The group responded one by one, relaying the same thought of relief.

The day ended with Singto and Krist walking home. Singto took Krist's bag to carry, leaving the younger man protesting that it wasn't that heavy.

"Nong, just let me carry this. I'm sure you're tired from band practice."

As they were walking, Singto saw Victor and three of his friends looking at them. He dismissed the group and continued walking with Krist.

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