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"This is getting ridiculous."

"What is?"

"This!" Gun slapped a thick notepad on Krist's desk.

"What is this P'Gun?"

"Flip through it."

Krist slowly took the notepad and flipped it. It was a paper animation of a tall boy and a small boy. The tall boy kissing the smaller, the smaller looked to be blushing.

"Oh, P'. This is so sweet!"

"It's childish. That's what this is." Krist can see Gun didn't really mean it. He was smiling and looking at the door as he did.

"He's not here, is he P'?"


"Whoever has been giving gifts all week. It started Tuesday, now it's a Friday. I'm surprised the gifts hasn's run out yet."


"What are these gifts anyway P'? They're very random."

"They're not actually."

"They're not?"

"No. They're not. I've gotten these before."


"I got 3 pieces of Jelly beans when I was in 6th Grade. I've gotten a milk shake with candy sprinkles second year in high school. Then a small bear in our 3rd year. Then a drawing of a kissing couple in our 4th year. I'm waiting for a boquet of flowers or something for our first year of college."

"I don't get it P'."

"This is how P'Off says sorry."

"He's saying sorry and courting you again P'Gun."

"Yeah." Gun said, looking deep in thought. "I don't know if I should forgive him this time Krist."

"Aw P'. That's a sad thing to say. This is P'Off we're talking about. I haven't seen him put this much effort in anything, ever."

"There is that. But I'm tired."

🎶I wanna make you smile,
Whenever you're sad.
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad.
All I wanna do,
Is grow old with you.🎶

"What is it now? I swear if Off is out there..." Gun didn't get to finish his sentence as it wasn't Off that was outside their classroom singing, but Singto.

"Don't look at me P'Gun. As much as I would love the song to be for me, I don't think it is. It's not P'Sing's genre. But I know whose it is." Much as Krist would like to deny it, he was envious of Gun as Singto was singing for him. His eyes moved to Sigto's and the latter vontinued singing as he winked at Krist.

🎶I'll get you medicine,
When your tummy aches.
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks.
Oh it could be so nice,
Growin' old with you. 🎶

Singto made a show of singing the song but stopped completely after the second verse. He put down his guitar and went to Krist, taking the younger man's hNd and walking away, leaving Gun standing by the door.

There was quite a crowd gathering around Gun and it was making him concious. The crowd parted for New who had a boquet of intricately made paper flowers of different colors, making his way to Gun.

"Not my idea Gun." New said as he handed the boquet to the man.

From the stairs came a voice.

🎶I'll miss you, kiss you,
Give you my coat when you are cold.
Need you, feed you.
Even let you hold the remote control.
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink.
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink.🎶

There he was, Off singing the last verse as he walked towards Gun.

🎶Oh I could be the man,
Who grows old with you.🎶

Off sang the last lines from a foot away. Gun pulled Off into the classroom, shutting the door.

"What do you think you're doing? This is my school."

"I know. That's why I'm here."

"Well, what are you doing here?"

"You won't answer my calls."


"You don't reply to my texts."

Gun raised his eyebrow. "And that says 'come disturb me while I'm studying' to you?

"No. That says "it's time I do something big so you won't have a choice but to ralk to me'. And it worked!" Off answered with a big smile on his face.

"This is a school not a circus."

"Yeah I know. And I should have gone to this school instead of the one I'm in. I mean your cafeteria has ice cream!" Off exclaimed then shut up when he saw Gun cross his arms and tap his foot.

"You have to admit, you were entertained. Huh? Huh?" Gun raised his brows. "Oh you weren't? Really? Not even a little bit?"

"OK. OK. It was a little tiny bit overboard." *raises eyebrow* "OK. A lot overboard. I didn't know what to do."

"You could've just said you were sorry."

"But you're not talking to me."

"So you make a spectacle?"

"When have I ever done anything small scale?"

"Hmm... You've got a point."

Off turned serious. He took a step closer to Gun. "I'm sorry Honey."


"Sorry I didn't make enough of an effort. I don't want to make excuses because there is none. I forgot and I'm sorry."


"I can't promise it won't happen again, because I'm sure it will. I just have a lot on my plate now and next year is junior year and everything's going to get more hectic. But I have it covered. See." He held out his phone. "I have everything on my calendar. Synced to my phone, laptop, tablet, PC, even Ice's calendar so I won't forget anything - or he'll kick my butt." Off walked closer. "Please forgive me. I promise... Wait, did you just say OK?"


"OK then." Off smiled. "You forgive me?"


"Just like that?"


"I don't have to go through a ring of fire?"

"Want me to take it back?"

"No. No. I'm happy! Rrelieved Ecstatic." Off said each word as he took steps closer to Gun. "Can we make up now?"

"Just waiting on you Hun." Gun smiled.

"YES!" Off shouted as he lift Gun off his feet and turned in circles.

"P'! Put me down!"

"No! I won't! I want to hug you until the sun goes down."

"Put me down Hun! I have one more class today." Off stopped turning and set Gun down. "After that, you can hug me until the moon goes down and the sun rises again."


"It's Saturday tomorrow. No classes."

"Oh yeah. No classes." Off wiggled his eyebrows. "We can sleep in."

"Hun! Classroom! Not the place fornyour thoughts. Keep them til after school!"

"I missed you Honey." Off said from close up.

"I missed you too." Gun answered.

"Is it safe to kiss and make up in the classroom."

"Hurry. Class starts in" Gun peered at the wall clock "15 minutes."

"15 minutes of makeout session. We can make it work!"

"You just wasted 10 seconds!" Gun whispered.

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