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Krist's class ended early. He decides to surprise Singto, who has been busy with completing papers and lab projects all semester. Singto has been juggling school work, time with his family and friends, at the same time, making sure that he has some alotted for Kit and himself.

Senior year has been tiring for Krist, more so for Singto, who as usual has additional classes when he decided to take on a double major last year.

Their school offers a program that allows students to do a double major. The program takes into consideration subjects in their respective curriculum, electives taken, which surprise surprise - Singto took a lot, almost all that Krist did, plus that from the Engineering faculty. He tested for the program and got in. His year in Japan was a big factor for his enrollment in the program. Singto has been working extra hard to graduate on time, with double majors. All that, plus extra curricular activities pulled from Singto's time and energy.

Krist did his best to cheer him on, at the same time, making sure he was not in any way, adding to the stress Singto has been carrying.

Krist was walking towards the Engineering faculty, smiling to himself as he remembered the times Singto needed cheering up and his "recharging" sessions. He had a box of Singto's favorite pastries as well as two cups of coffee for Singto and Ping, who were currently deep into finishing their lab project.

Krist stopped at one of the tables outside the engineering faculty, dropped the box and coffee cups on it and texted Singto.

K: Hi P'! Where are you?
S: I'm at the faculty, need to finish the project.
S: Hey, aren't you supposed to be in class? Why are you texting?

Krist was about to text back when he spotted Singto a few tables away. He was going to surprise Singto instead of answering his text when he saw he had company.

Singto was sitting with a girl, just the two of them. They were laughing themselves silly, the girl occassionally hitting Singto's arm as she tried to compose herself while laughing. The girl's hand lingered a bit on Singto's arm.

K: Oh, you're busy P'?
S: Kind of. Need to finish by next week so I'll have free time for makeup sessions before the final exams.
K: Oh! Is the deadline that near?
S: Afraid so.
K: Then I won't bother you P'.
S: You're never a bother Krist, you know that.
K: See you after class P'.

Singto stood from his seat and carried his bag, holding his hand out for the girl's book bag as well. The two turned to the direction of the library. Krist sat down, stunned silent as the girl clung to Singto's arm, laughing and talking with Singto as they walked away. Singto smiled at the girl and bent his head to his phone, not bothering to remove the girl's hand from his arm.

S: See you later Kit. Love you.

*ring* *ring*

Singto calls Krist from his lab.

S: Hello Kit, wachadoin'?
K: Still in last period P'. Why?
S: I'm done with lab class.
K: So early!
S: Yeah. I purposely finished early because I need to see you.
K: P'. You didn't rush your subject just because of that.
S: I did! Plus the activity was pretty easy. I really really do miss you.
K: OK P'. Hmm... I think class should be over by the time you get here.
S: Yay!
K: I need to get back inside P'.
S: Can I get a kiss before you do?
K: Can it be later when I see you?
S: Yes. As long as it's double dose.
K: Haha! Whatever P'. See you later. Gotta go.
S: Later Kit. Love you.

Ping walked to Singto's table as soon as he hung up. Ping was carrying an open workbook and positioned herself beside Singto.

"Sing, can you take a look at this? I can't get the answers right. I tried solving it with the professor's formula earlier and keep getting a few decimals short."

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