Following Days

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The days following foundation day was confusing to Krist. He found himself spending a lot of time with Singto, more than usual. It wasn't that he wasn't enjoying his time with his P', it's that he's enjoying himself too much. Singto has been paying a lot of attention to him.

During lunch, they always find themselves seated together. During their free time, Singto makes it a point to not leave Krist's side, choosing to remain in his seat, and have the group gather around them, rather than he going to the guys. He always had takeaways and small things to give Krist.

One time after lunch, Singto handed Krist a glass of Nomyen. His P' didn't make a big deal out of the gift but to Krist, it was such a sweet gesture.

One morning, Krist was expecting to find Singto in their classroom waiting for him. His P' was nowhere to be found. He thought to ask his friends but he thought it'd be weird if he did. Why would he ask about Singto in the first place? If one of their friends asked, what could he say? He really wanted to know where his P' is so he thought of the safest person to ask.

"Sawadee P'Gun."

"Sawadee Krist."

"P', have you seen P'Singto?"

"Sing? I think he texted New that he'll be late today."

"Did he say why P'?"

"I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with an errand for his Por. Better ask Newwiie to be sure."

"It's OK P', I was just curious, he always arrives earlier than me. Not important P'."

Gun nodded his head and stared at Krist. His Nong seemed to have more to say. He can see Krist thinking about it.

"Um P'?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Yup! What's up?"

"It's to do with P'Off."

"What about him?"

"I mean about you and P'Off."


"You've been together a long time, haven't you P?"

"Since 6th Grade, yes. Why?" Gun was amused with the direction of Krist's question but didn't dare interrupt the younger man's pace.

Here goes. Just ask fast. Krist thought. Like ripping a band aide. "How'd you know you liked P'Off?"

"Oh that? It was easy! I knew the first day I met him."

"How P'?"

"How to explain?" Gun was thinking hard how to put in words what he felt back then so Krist could relate. He believes Krist may be feeling the same for Singto. Gun wouldn't want to cause confusion in his Nong's mind. He wants to give Krist an explanation he can relate to. Who knows, he may end up helping Singto in the process.

"That's a bit harder to put into words. Think of it this way. Picture someone you want to spend most of your waking hours with. That person causes you to daydream, a lot. You can't imagine not seeing that person even for a day. You crave that person's company even if you're not talking. You're content to just be with that person. You have someone in mind?"

Krist can feel heat crawling up his neck. "Yes." He responded in a small voice.

Gun smiled. "Now imagine that person not being there. Imagine that person not talking to you, not looking at you. Can you live a day without communicating with that person, even if it was just by messenger? How do you feel when you think of that person not being with you?"

"From you're list P', I think I feel sick."

"Now imagine that sick feeling, add to that the need to vomit when they're not there. And then imagine your stomach churning when you see them. That's how I feel every time I think of Off."

"Wow P'. That's a lot of feelings. So it's a physical feeling?"

"Well for me it is. It always involves how my gut feels with or without him. If you think you can't survive without that person, then that must mean you're 'in like'. I'd go so far as to say in love with that person."

"Oh." Krist was creating a mental checklist from what Gun told him.

"Is it someone I know?" Gun asked Krist while wagging his eyebrows.

"Well... yes P'."

"Who is it? Tell me!" Gun is trying real hard to contain his excitement. He's pretty sure he knew who Krist was crushing on.

"I'd rather not P'. I'm not sure about it yet. If I'm sure with how I feel, can I come talk to you again P'?"

"Even if you're not sure yet, I'd be glad if you come talk to me about it, when you're ready."

"Sure thing P'!"

The bell rang, signalling the start of the first class. He took his seat, but kept glancing at the door, willing his P' to arrive. Krist was so worried about Singto missing the first subject, he took extra care in taking down notes, exactly how it was taught, so he can help his P'Sing with the lesson. Maybe they could study in the library in the afternoon, if Singto will be coming to school, that is.

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