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"Sawadee P'Singto."

"Aw! Itthipat, sawadee. You're here early."

"Yes P'. I always come early."

Singto smiled at Itthipat, turned to the barista to order. "One Café Mocha and one Barbajada please. What are you having Itthipat, it's on me."

"Thanks P'. One Café Latte please." Then to Singto, "You're getting Krist coffee, P'?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"He likes that drink, the one you ordered."

"Yeah, he does. I'm surprised you aren't getting it for him. Come to think of it, I haven't seen you around lately. What's up?"

"What do you mean P'?"

"Well, since the new school year started, I haven't seen you with Krist. It's been what, three months now?"

"Oh. Didn't Krist tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"We broke up P'."

"Huh? Since when? He didn't tell me that."

"So there's something Krist hasn't told you. Haha!"


"We broke up almost four months ago."


"I was wondering why I haven't heard news about you two."


"You're the reason we broke up P'."

"What are you saying?"

"Let's put it this way P'Singto. He's waiting for you."

Singto stared at Itthipat. Meanwhile, "Coffee for Singto."

"That's us P'." Itthipat went to the claims counter, past Singto, then handed the coffee cups. "Thanks for coffee P'." Itthipat walked out, leaving Singto by the counter.

"P'! What are you doing standing there?"

"Oh, Kit, you're here."

"Well, you did say you were buying me breakfast. So... Is that my coffee?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. Yours." Singto handed Krist his cup.

Krist pulled Singto by the shirtsleeve to an available table.

Krist sat down, looking at a dazed Singto. "P'. Sit."

"Oh. Yeah."

"What's up P'Sing? You seem out of it. Do you have assignments you haven't finished or something?"

"What? No. Just thinking."


"Nothing. Nothing. What do you want to eat?"

"Sure it's nothing P'? Doesn't seem like nothing."

"No, it's not something for you to worry about."

"OK. Then how about a croissant?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll get it for you."

"Thanks P'!" Krist smiled at Singto while sipping his coffee."



"I saw Itthipat today."

"Well good morning to you too." New looked down at Singto's coffee in his hand. "And I see you didn't get me coffee. Thanks a lot." New was fixing his things then did a double take. "You what?"

"I saw Itthipat."

"Where? When? What did he say?"

"This morning at the coffee shop."


"They broke up."


"What do you mean 'and'? You knew?"

"Well, yes."

"How long have you known?"

"About three weeks."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Dude, not my story to tell. I figured Krist will tell you eventually."

"Well, he hasn't."


"What's the 'huh...' for?"

"I was thinking. Why didn't Krist tell you yet? I mean you should be the first person he told. Gun found out before you did, and he told me."

"Back to my question, why didn't YOU tell me?"

"I was hoping Krist will tell you himself."

"What do I do now?"

"The question is: What do you want to do?"

"Well, I know what I want to happen. Krist has to tell me about him and Itthipat first, though."

"Yeah. Wish he'd hurry up. It's been almost a decade!"

"No it has not! Stop exaggerating New."

"Well it feels like it. Told you, you should've moved on him back in high school. We could've avoided the whole 'boyfriend' thing if you did, but noooo... you had to go all scared and stuff. Come on Sing! Now's the perfect time!"

"Yeah. I hear you."

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