Green Eyes

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"Itthipat! Hey Itthipat!" Krist called out. He jogged to catch up to the taller man.

"Good morning Krist." Itthipat stopped midstride and turned to Krist.

"Didn't you hear me calling you?"

Itthipat looked above Krist's head then back at Krist. "No I didn't."

"Hey, are you mad at me or something?" Krist placed his hand on Itthipat's arm to get his attention.

"Me, no. I'm late for class. I'll call you for lunch OK?" Itthipat held Krist's cheek for a moment then turned. 

"P', I think Itthipat's mad at me." Krist said as soon as he sat down beside gun for their first period class.

"You think? I mean Krist, I'm on Singto's corner all the way but even you have to admit, last Saturday was extreme."

"I know I'm slow on the pick up almost all the time but can you explain P'?"

"OK. Let me lay it down for you. Last Saturday, Singto's party, you brought Itthipat as your date."

"It wasn't a date P'."

"It was, believe me." At Krist's nod, Gun continued. "And you all but abandoned him to stay with Singto. You get me?"

"Oh no. Is that really how he sees it P'? You think?"


"But P'. It's for P'Singto. I mean he knows how important P'Singto is to me."

"That's precisely it. He knows who Singto is, and you chose Singto."

"But P', that's how I've always been with P'Singto, even with you and the guys. Am I supposed to change how I am because he has a problem with it?"

"Well, no. All I'm saying is you have to see it from his perspective. I mean, he IS your boyfriend after all. You hanging out with other guys, being all clingy, must have an effect on him."

"Hmm... This is complicated. Thanks for explaining to me P'Gun. I have to talk to Itthipat later."

"Yeah. Do that." Gun turned as their professor entered. He said to himself "Meanwhile, I just made it harder for Singto. Sorry Sing."

During lunch, Krist walked fast to get to Itthipat's building before the latter's lunch break. Itthipat, despite feeling down since that weekend, smiled seeing Krist waiting for him. There's hope yet! He thought.

Itthipat : Hello Krist?

K: Oh hey Itthipat!

Itthipat: Where are you?

K: Our class got cancelled this afternoon so I went out to grab snacks with P'Gun.

Itthipat: Where?

K: I'm at Central Plaza.

Itthipat: Where?!

K: Central Plaza, with P'Gun.

Itthipat: Why didn't you tell me?

K: You were in class. I didn't want to disturb you.

Itthipat: I didn't agree that you can go out with P'Gun.

K: What?

Itthipat: You didn't tell me you were going out.

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