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"Yo Sing! Happy birthday! Newwiee! Long time!" Ice shouted as soon as he spotted New and Singto walking to their table.

New high-fived Nammon and Ice while Singto offered a weak smile.

"What's going on birthday boy? Why the long face?" Nammon asked.

"It's to do with his kitten."

"What's up with Krist? What happened?"

"Nothing." Singto answered Ice.

"Let's wait for him to come and we'll ask. He's coming with Gun right?" Ice asked.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him today."

"Ah... I see the problem now. You're like a kid who wasn't given his favorite ice cream, sulking." Nammon teased Singtonas he called a server over and asked for drinks.

"Whatever." Singto answered.

Their drinks came. They were on their 3rd shot when "You guys started without me!" Off shouted from across the room. "What number is that?"

"Three." New answered.

"OK then." Off turned to the server. Can I get three shots of tequilla, another 6 shots and one of vodka please."

Krist sat quietly beside Singto. He talked animatedly with the rest of the guys, Singto just sat, nursing a bottle of beer. Their next round of shots came, Off donning the three shots in quick succession, raising his 4th, "To Singto. May you have your wildest dreams come true on your birthday."

"To Singto!" They all raised their glass and threw back their shots. Singto got up and walked away from the group after that.

The group looked at Krist who shrugged his shoulder and smiled in response. He took out a small box and handed his bag to Gun. He stood up to follow Singto.

"Krist." Nammon called. "Whatever you're planning, it better work."

"We haven't seen Singto this down since forever." Ice added.

"I have faith in you young padawan." Off said and did an awkward blessing. "May the force be with you."

"Don't worry P's I got this."

"Good luck Krist!" New cheered.

"And just in case, I'll get P'Off to put your bag in the car. Don't worry about it." Gun whispered as Krist walked past him.

"Thanks P'. Wish me luck."

"Excuse me Sir, are you Singto?" A server asked as Singto was walking out the balcony.


"I was asked to give you this. And to say Happy Birthday." The server handed Singo a small box.

"Thanks." Singto set the glass down and opened the box. Inside he saw a stack of post-it sized paper. He put the box down and took the papers out. Each piece of paper had something written on it. He read each one and each one made his smile grow. He read to himself:

1.1 day pass for a pet name
2.Free hug (a lot of coupons)
3.Free kiss (a lot of coupons)
4.Kiss and cuddle
5.Dinner and a movie
6.Daytime date
7.Just me and you time
8.Home cooked meal
9. Quality cuddle time
10.Movie night
11.Sing a romantic song to you
12.Completely unplug for one day to spend time together
13.Go on a romantic moonlit walk
14.You’re in control for a whole day
15.Get out of trouble, no questions asked
16.I love you coupons (there were a lot) > the bearer of this coupon can use it to get an "I love you" any time, any where
17.Free pass > the bearer of this coupon can us this to do whatever he wants
18.One wish granted coupon > this coupon entitles you to ask for whatever you want and it will be granted
19. Make out coupon > in private
20.I’ll do anything for you
21.Claim your birthday gift

"Told you I was busy." Krist said from behind Singto.

Singto smiled and turned to Krist. "I thought you forgot."

"Your birthday? How can I forget?"

"Or maybe you were mad at me or something."

"Nope. And believe me, you'll know when I'm mad at you. I was just busy."

"Busy with my gift?" Singto said as he clesed the distance between them, his arms snaking around Krist's back.

They were facing front to front, Krist whispered "You like my gift?"

"Yeah, but I like you more. Can I use them now?"



"You don't need the coupons today. Tell me which you want and youndon't have to use a coupon for it."

"Wow." Singto whispered. "How about this?" He held up a 'free hug' coupon.

"Already there P'"

"Oh, then this." 'free kiss'

"Can you close your eyes P'?"


"I'm just shy."

"I have a lot of these coupons Kit, I can't close my eyes every time."

"Just close your eyes P'."


Singto closed his eyes as Krist leaned in. Krist laid a quick kiss on Singto's lips. Singto kept his eyes closed and smiled.

"P'! Why are you smiling?" Krist asked. He was sure he was red as an apple after that kiss.

"Just... I love how you kiss me. So sweet."


"Cute! How about this?" Singto held out the 'make out' coupon.

Krist looked around. "P' it says private."

Singto let go of Krist and pulled him to a secluded corner "How about here?"

"I guess..."

Singto sat on the balcony ledge and pulled Krist between his legs. Krist walked into Singto and covered his P's eyes with one of his hands, the other he raised to cup the other's cheek. Singto's hands were on Krist's hips, holding him steady and keeping his boyfriend captive.

Krist bent down, licked his lips and tentatively kissed Singto's. He moved away after that, letting go of Singto's eyes to cup both his cheeks. Singto kept his eyes closed, afraid that Krist will back away if he opened them. Krist knew Singto was trying hard to keep himself still. He smiled and fitted himself closer to Singto. He was holding Singto's cheeks, then bent closer to the other's lips. When he was a hair's breath away he called out "P'." As soon as Singto opened his eyes, Krist closed the distance and kissed him. Singto was surprised. He smiled into the kiss and raised his hands to Krist's neck, taking control.

Krist moved away moments after, holding on to Singto, afraid he might fall if he let go. His knees felt like rubber, he hugged Singto, his head on his P's shoulder. Krist saw the coupons scattered at the seat next to them. He took one and leaned back. Still trapped in Singto's embrace, Krist found himself onle a few inches away. He held up the card, enough for Singto to see. 

Singto had to shake himself to focus. He was in a daze after Krist's kiss. He saw Krist holding up a coupon. He closed his eyes and shook his head. He opened them to see Krist was holding one of the 'I love you' coupons. He looked from the coupon to Krist.

"I love you P'Sing, with all my heart."

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